"You knew"

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~2 Months Later~

Me and Noah haven't really been talking as much lately. He claims he's 'busy'. I don't believe he is. He's been avoiding me. I'll call him or text him and won't get a text back for hours and they are always dry. They always consist of "Sorry babe, can't talk right now." Or, "I'm tired, I'll see you tomorrow at school."

It's kinda irritating. Once Ryder left and we had a talk about my "love life" I decided that I am willing to give Noah a try. Then it if nowhere it's like we just stoped. Like I said he doesn't call me or text me back now.

Should I talk to him about? Or should I just leave it be and leave him alone all together. Cause if he's not giving me his attention that means someone else has it... right?


I decided that I should go and see Noah at his house. When I knocked on the door Diana answered it and told me that he came home kinda pissed from work. I told her okay and went up to his room.

I regretted it immediately as I opened the door. And I know what your thinking, 'oh, why you open the door anyways? You don't live there.'

I opened the door because he always told me to. He told me there's no reason to knock. Now I wish I had. If I wouldn't knocked he could have al least tried to hid it from me.

When I opened the door my heart dropped and my mouth fell opened.

A girl was on top of him, straddling him. The girl had tan skin from what I could see and long dark brown hair. They were kissing. His hands all over her.

I didn't know how to feel honestly. Just like every other person that's every did me wrong. But hey... what does he owe me, I mean we were never together.

I ty to hold the tears back. I refuse to let these tears fall from my face. Not over him. I gasp and take a deep breath. Noah and the girl jumps up and Noah practically throws the girl off of him. I start walking... well I was really running. Trying my best to get out of the house as fast as I can.

"Adriana!" I hear him call for me I continue to run.

Diana stops me. "What happened are you okay?"

"You knew didn't you?"

"Knew what?"

"That he was upstairs with someone!" I yell at her. I'm pissed I'm assuming she knew. Maybe she never liked me and wanted this to happen.

"No I wouldn't do that I promise I wouldn't do that to you."

I just nod and walk out the house. I really can't. I can't believe he would do this to me. I thought he actually liked me. But of course I'm always wrong. No one ever stays. They always leave me.


I run downstairs after throwing on a shirt and yell Adriana's name. By the time I got downstairs she was already walking out the door. I try to follow her but I'm stoped by Diana.

"Diana move." I say trying to get out the door.

"Why would you do that?" Diana snaps at me.

"I didn't mean to."

"That doesn't even make since. You didn't mean to do it yet you still did it. You hurt her."

"Look Diana I really don't need this right now." I snap back at her getting annoyed.

Next thing I know Diana's hand is across my face.


"That's what you get for doing whatever it was you were doing in your room that made Adriana come down here ready to cry."

That really hit me hard. Adriana was ready to cry? She not a crier. I've never seen her cry, even Payton said that she never cries. That she hasn't seen Adriana cry in years.

What have I done...

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