Part 55: Party Night

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Jack: Rose..?
Rose: oh hi y'all are here!
*I jumped off of Kyle and hugged the boys*
Zach: are you this Kyle guy Jack is jealous of?
*Corbyn hit Zach in his side and Jack gave him a death stare*
Zach: ow sorry...
Daniel: so Kyle... what do you like do?
Kyle: uh well I did acting for a while but I currently own a business. It's called Apple
Boys: WHAT!
Jonah: Like Apple as in like fruit
Kyle: no Apple Products
Corbyn: damn Rose I didn't know your friend was on the Jackpot
Rose: haha yeah.. don't you remember him?
Rose: Dr.Kyle??!?
Corbyn: wait that's Kyle from high school!? Bro he's so hot
Kyle: thanks... have you spoken to cHriStiNa
Corbyn: yeah were actually back together
Kyle: oh do you have her number so I can call her over here
Corbyn: yeah I'll give it to you in a sec
Jonah: can Tate come too?
Kyle: yeah of course
Daniel: so when is the party?
Kyle: at 4:30 so About in an hour
Zach; who all is coming?
Kyle: just a few friends
Jack: so um Kyle? You know Rose from highschool
Kyle: yup..
Kyle: you know Rose is always talking about you
Rose: what am not!
Kyle: yes you are
Jack: what she say
Kyle: She's always like oh Jack is so hot and his hair is so amazing
Rose: I don't talk like that! That was you that's jealous of his hair😂
Kyle: shhh we don't speaketh that
Jack; uh huh yeah so what were y'all doing when we got here?
Kyle; She got stuck on the roof and had to jump down
Rose: he chased me up there
Kyle: you slapped me
Rose: who? Me? Pfft angels don't do that.
Kyle: exactly
Zach: is that a food truck I see?
Kyle: oh yeah I ordered 3 different food trucks
Jonah: can we live here?
Everyone; hahahahaha
*During The Party*
*A lot of kyle friends came and I knew them the girls came and had fun. Jack then ask to talk to me inside the house*
Jack: Hey..
Rose: um hello what is your reason for interrupting DJ REMI
Jack: oh sorry uh you and Kyle... are y'all pretty close
Rose: we've been best friends since highschool and he's always been there for me..
Jack: mhm so like how close though
Rose: I mean we dated for a while but my... dad he um he stopped us and called the police cause one he was an alcoholic and always drunk and two I was 15 and he was about idk maybe 17 18. But we're good friends
Jack: yeah ok just one more question...
Rose: yeah?
Jack: You've been idk how to say this but different lately. I'm gonna tell you this stop teasing me and Zach. I can't take it. Two. You've also been acting like a badass when your not and this remi character... what are you hiding from me?
Rose; first of all how you gonna tell me how to act. You don't know how I act. I'm not some oh so sweet little princess toy no I've always been like this but I tried to change. I tried my best. Yeah I teased you and Zach cause y'all keep begging for me! If anything I'd rather date Zach then you! And you don't know what went on in my life and why I act this way. This "Remi" isn't a character that's my real name dumbass ! Maybe if you cared enough you would've known what I went through!
*I walked out away from jack and back outside*
Zach: what the hell is wrong with you?
Jack: what the where did you come from
Zach: I came to use the restroom and heard Rose screaming at you... you really just fucked Up.
Jack: shut up
Zach: don't be jealous cause Rose would rather date me then you. You have anger problems and all you do is manipulate people. Just like you did Gabbie and Ally
Jack: say it again I dare you I will end you before I end this party
Zach: all you do is run around playing with peoples hearts and then you break them. Rose isn't your toy! She's a human being! She's not your puppet she can only take so much. But you don't understand that. I'm glad she broke up with you. Now she won't have to suffer anymore. This is why she wants to leave . Cause your ugly ass
*Zach Pov*
*yeah I said it cause I'm sick of him treating Rose like his fricking sex doll! He charged at me and punch me. I grabbed the nearest object which was a cooking board and slammed it over his head. We fought and fought till we heard a noise *
Random Person: WORLDSTAR!!!
*Daniel and Kyle broke us up. This party only lasted 3 hours cause of us but I didn't care. I was bout to get this boy straight. He's not gonna treat Rose the way he does. Not while I'm still living. Kyle pulled jack into another room as jack took he shoe off and through it at me. I could see Rose outside through the window with her arms cross. She mouthed I'm gonna kill y'all then she walked inside. She punched me across my face and I deserved it. I think she punched jack too and walked up to Kyle's room. *Sigh* this band is gonna break up ....

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