Part 3: Can't you see that I'm falling for you

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* I got home and Corbyn was sitting ln the couch watching the clock*

Corbyn: Where were you?

Rose: i went to starbucks and got me a frappe

*I said as i held up my coffee*

Corbyn: It takes 3 minutes to get to Starbucks and if your in a line it takes 5 to get you coffee and 2 minutes to get back home due to traffic not being present. That means you should have been gone for 10 minutes. You, were gome for 18. Expain.

Rose: um

* i hesitated cause Corbyn is soo protective. I didn't know what to say and I'm the worst liar*

Rose:... Um... I had to help and elder cross the street....?

Corbyn: you were with a guy... Weren't you..

Rose: No! See i-

Jack: Oh hey Rose

Corbyn: how did you know her name was Rose?

Jack: I accidently bumped into her at StarBucks and wasted her coffee. I bought her a new one. Did i tell you she's really sweet and pretty?

Corbyn: I KNOW. Its MY girlfriend.

Jack: ohh i thought she was single... Good to know...

Corbyn: Rose come upstairs for a minute

Rose: uhh ok

* He walked me upstairs and locked the door. He kissed me but i don't know why*

Rose: why did you kiss me?

Corbyn: haha do i not have the rights to kiss my own girlfriend?

Rose: yeah but you locked the door..

Corbyn: i wanted to tell you something. Be careful around Jack. I don't want him to pull a move on you.

Rose: i trust Jack. I don't think he will..

Corbyn: That's what i love about you trustworthy.

* He kissed me passionately and Walked into Zach's room. I walked downstairs and saw Jack in the kitchen looking confused*

Rose: Jack. What are you doing?

Jack: i was gonna make cookies but i don't know what this is...

Rose: That's a mixture... Do you know how to cook?

Jack: Not a clue...

Rose: Great.. Here let me help you..

*1 hour later*

* Jack and I were sitting and talking on the couch when he looked deep into my eyes*

Jack: Rose. I wanted to tell you something. You may not feel the same way but i really like you. Your very intelligent and beautiful. I feel some type of spark when I'm around you.

Rose: Jack-

Jack: Shhh, i want you, nobody gotta know...

Rose: but the cookies-

* He whispered that in my ear and kissed me. I didn't pull away cause it felt good. But its wrong. Did i just cheat on Corbyn. I've fucked up. I heard a doorknob turn so Jack pulled away*

Jack: I'm gonna check on the cookies... Princess

*I sat there in shock. Corbyn came down the stairs and saw me.*

Corbyn: Hey Rose. Watcha doing

Rose: oh um- J-Jack and I were making cookies

Corbyn: Oh... Ok

Jack: You should taste them Corbyn, There good!

Corbyn: I bet there not better than my cookies

Rose: I'll be the judge of that.

*I tasted Jack's cookies and... Wow.. I kinda taste love in the cookies. Im not saying Corbyn doesn't put love in his but these were.... Different*

Corbyn and Rose: Damn.

Jack: So.... How are they?

Rose: That's amazing!

Corbyn: are you sure you made these. I thought they were gonna taste like soggy noodles.

Jack: Yes. I made these. Imma go skateboard. bye Rose *winks*

Rose: Bye...

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