Part 44: TikTok

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Hit Or Miss Bitch 😂🤫

*Heyy Ms.Dawn said the doctor.*
Doc: how ya feeling?
Rose: I have a migraine...
Doc: mhm. Soo, your you may have to take some Analgesic for a few days to treat the headache but besides that. We got all the water out your system and your healthy and you can actually go home today.*
Zach: Thank lord!
*The doctor and I looked at Rose*
Zach: Is something wrong Rose?
Rose: Jack....
Doc: I'm sorry Ms. Dawn But he's in a coma..
Rose: I know.... and I'm not leaving this hospital until he wakes up!
Zach: Rose you have to come home sometime
*I tried to grabbed Rose hands but she pushed away*
Ross: Stop touching me! I'm not leaving this spot!
Zach: Um Mr...?
Doc: Aaron
Zach: Mr. Aaron could you get the family out of Jack's room and bring them here?
Doc: sure thing sir
*The doc then later came back with the family. I signaled Sydnie and Daniel to pick up Rose and put her in the car. She was squirming to ty and get out there grip but failed. We all got in the Ms. Avery Syd, Isla, And Ava got in there car while the rest of us got in Jack's van*
Rose: I'm gonna kill y'all..
Corbyn: can you Please calm down Rose? I know your boyfriend is in a coma but you can't be acting out and and shit. Besides, they have to do test anyway.
Rose: I'm sorry... I have anger issues...
Jonah: sis we been knew...
Daniel: how about we do something fun like.... go to the movies!?
Rose: that's where Jack and I were gonna go but he-
Zach: what about ice cream?
Rose: Ice Cream reminds me of my favorite Cookies and Creme ice dream that Jack always puts on my nose...
Jonah: the grove?
Rose: I got this promise ring from jack... He bought it from the grove... can we just go home?
Zach: no Rose! We have to something fun. We don't want you to feel upset!
Rose: I was upset when you kissed me and didn't give a fuck that my boyfriend was in a coma! Every thought of that!?
*Then the car got silent. It stayed that way the entire ride till we got home. When we got home The boys and I went to talk in the dining room, away from Rose who was upstairs*
Jonah: how are we gonna cheer Rose up?
Zach: I don't know. I ruined her fucking day..
Daniel: Corbyn! You used to date her! What did you do when she was sad?
Corbyn: I don't know um I would sing her her favorite food and start tickling her and we would end up cuddling up in bed... and I would place a kiss on her forehead and we would fall asleep...
Daniel: well damn y'all sounded amazing. Y'all were perfect.
Corbyn: yeah. We were. But that's in the past now, we good as best friends now...
Zach: well I can't sing her a song she hates me..
Jonah: we can all do it
Zach: what's her favorite song Corbyn!?
Corbyn: I mean she used to like Straight Up a while ago..
Daniel: bro seriously!? That was my American Idol Song! Let's do it

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