Chapter Thirty-Three

Start from the beginning

Natsu and Gray's night mirrored Sting and Rogue's quite well, only both of them are more than was probably healthy.

Yukino and Minerva were slightly more gentle with the information, telling Jason with wide smiles before sneaking out behind Erza, Lucy, Mira, and Cana. Both of them were exhausted from the week they'd had and got a long night of sleep before the competition.

Laxus didn't say a word, allowing his boyfriend to tell the reporter before walking out with his arms folded across his chest. They both went back to the room, Freed reading his book while Laxus planned his strategy for tomorrow.

Kagura and Millianna had left the reporter's room right after Natsu and Gray, the latter wanting to console her pouty girlfriend (even if Kagura adamantly claimed she was never pouty... only to have Millianna say that her pouty face was adorable... causing Kagura to pout, on accident of course, before glaring at Millianna and crossing her arms. A real 'if you give a mouse a cookie' situation).

Wendy and Chelia wanted to sneak out and have a private, romantic evening at the royal garden... but Carla has caught them and said, "you children need a good night's sleep before tomorrow's competition!"

Cana and Mira went to the bar for the former to get exceedingly drunk before tomorrow's completion, soon being joined by two others.

Erza and Lucy went to talk to a few of their friends in the bar (Erza with Mira as the white-haired Mage watched her wife get drunk and Lucy with Levy).

At one point that night, Cana got so drunk she forgot she was married.

"Soooooo... Mira, you seeing anyone these days?" Cana asked, slurring her words.

"Yes, actually," Mira responded, trying her best not to laugh.

"Oooh.... that's too bad...." Cana slurred, almost falling out of her chair only to be caught by Erza.

"I can't believe you're dating someone! Who is it?! I'll," she hiccuped, "I'll fight them!"

Mira started laughing and Erza barely kept her poker face.

"I'm married, actually."

That was when a very drunk Cana started crying.

That's when Levy and Gajeel called it a night, going back up to their rooms while the script Mage gave Lucy a quiet good luck. Lucy gave her a rude gesture in return as she comforted the crying Cana.


The next morning came too soon, most of them not getting nearly enough sleep...

Especially Cana.

"Mira, what happened last night?" she asked, rubbing her head.

Mirajane placed a cup of water on the table.

"Ask Lucy. I'm getting Wendy to help with your hangover... can't have you hungover during the last day of competition."

Cana sighed and took a sip of water, quietly thanking her wife as she left.

She had gotten lucky when she got her as a Mate.


"I did what?!"

"You asked Mira if she was seeing anyone and then cried when she said she was married," Lucy said as she ate her breakfast.

"But I'm her wife."

"I know that."

Cana sighed as she heard Wendy and Chelia laughing at the story.

It was going to be common information by the end of the day.

She was never going to live this down.

"Oh! And when Mira helped you back to your room, you screamed 'don't touch me I'm married!'"

Cana sighed and rubbed her head.

That was just great.

"Now that was sweet," Mira said, trying her best not to laugh.

"You two are all over the Mage News, you know. All of us are," Levy said, showing them a paper.

All the couples from last night were on the front page.

Cana hoped that would be the more important piece of news than her... drunkenness last night.


New Story:

Princess Adela of Fardored is getting married today... that is until she angered the royal fairy and got cursed. Should she ever touch a man, she'll be turned to stone. Now she has to go on an adventure to reverse the curse! Meet her abnormal crew:

Zandra, a girl just trying to make her father proud by being the first female paladin!

Vivyana, on a quest to become a knight of Fardored, trying to find out who her parents were.

Catrina, a pickpocket and con artist that uses her rather unique gift to be the best card player in the land. Why's she helping the princess? Jail's a real bore.

Blair, a witch that just finished her apprenticeship with the witch that saved her life. She's following her new friend on this adventure after being thrown into jail for witchcraft.

Lucyfer, a wild card with a dark secret, getting out of a fifteen year sentence for helping the kingdom of Fardored's princess.

Phoebe, the royal fairy of Fardored who's just trying to help the princess. She's done with the romantic tension between her party members... and she's not sure what's going on with Adela and that other girl.

Join them as they go on adventures, gain magical items, and perhaps find unexpected romance.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2019 ⏰

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