Then something I didnt expect happened,



A loud rawr ripped through the air, one of his kind to be sure. Though it sounded as if in pain and that it was calling for help. It made my ears shatter.

It was coming from the direction of minute and spider.

I pushed his hand away in the nicest caring way possible. I needed to know if they were okay..

Spiders pov

God... where am I? Wait, where id that creature??

I felt the scratches on the side of my face, they stung. I winced at the pain...

Then I heard a groan, it was minute. He was still unconscious. I went over to him to see if he was injured after all the creature did punch him in the face...

Nothing but a bloody nose. I sighed to myself now knowing he was okay.

Now moving onto sparrow, where was she??

I can't just leave phone either...

In a swift and fast motion, I was thrown across the room and hit the wall before sliding down. The air was literally knocked out of me.

I gave a choke for air.

Another one of those aliens??

I reached for my gun, I despised holding this gun. An alien gun. It made me feel sick to the stomach.

I aimed it as best I could, right at its chest, it was open whereas its face was not.

And with that, the air around the alien gun heated up drastically and I swear I felt the air shook around my hand. Though I kept my aim the best I could.

Then I finally shot. The bullet was going straight for its stomach.

Though with a little bit of footwork and power, it managed to push itself out of the way of the bullet.

It only grazed the side of its stomach.


A loud rawr ripped through the air, coming from the creature, making me clasp and cover my ears.

By the time it stopped, I was sure I couldn't hear anything. A still ringing noise came through my ears and didn't stop.

I got up, I had to get away. I wobbled as I steadied myself on the spot. I gave a shaky breath as I saw the feet of the monster right in front of me.

I went to raise my gun but I couldn't, my hand was unresponsive.

I looked up at it, there was no getting away with how close it was.

Its mask looked back down at me.

Then, before I could even blink it grabbed my arm and yanked me forward.

I was now hyperventilating about how the creature positioned itself on me.

My back was rested on its stomach and its arms were trailing down mine.

It was reaching for the gun.

I couldnt do anything, I pretty much let it take the gun from my hands.

"SPIDER?!?!" I looked up, it was sparrow. God I was so happy to see her.

Then I saw a creature come rushing in bebind her.

Your pov

I rushed in, as fast as my legs could possibly take me.

And there I saw spider with a creature behind him. the colour had drained from his face but his eyes filled with hope.

The creature behind him gave a loud grumble now looking at me. Then a grunt. An alien gunwas in its hands.

I went for my gun.

Now it was alien gun vs human gun... fuck.

"WATCH OU-" minure called struggling from the creatures death grip.

What was he talking about??

Ohh.. I know what he was talking about...

Narrator pov because I wanna be special :DDDD

The creature behind Y/n had taken the position of rrsting her back on his.

1 hand held the gun out of aim of his friend while the other turned her face to the right.

Her neck was fully exposed to the creature yet he decieded against killing her, he had other ideas.

She struggled under the creatures litarel death grip.

Spider soon droppes all his actions, he realised he wound need his energy later... if there was a later.

"Sparrow save your energy.." spider coughed up.

But she didnt stop, poor little Y/n kept fighting. She thrashed her self around like a mad man.

That was until he rawred right in her ear. She picked up on every detail in the rawr. That rawr was burned into her brain, just the sound..

And she stopped. She now just looked at spider, the colour of here skin draining more so.

Her ear rang from the rawr and her head hurt when it replayed the sound over and over.

But when her hearing came back she heard spider.

"Sparrow! Are you alright????" He asked now getting dangerously worried.

"Yeah.. I'm- I'm fine." She whispered back.

A series of clickes went through out the air, loud clicks. Was it their form of comunication?

Minute aka noah (name reveals?) Soon realised this and gave Y/n a nervous look. What were those aliens planning to do with them??  and thats when it all settled in, they- T/n and noah. had gotten used to the idea of aliens being here. They were in the army with thoughts of fighting other humans not aliens. but atlast, when does something ever go by plan?

"click click click click." it went back and forth, just the clicking, though some sounded confused, mad, happy- emotional. 

then Y/n felt it- she felt a loose grip. this was her chance... though she didnt take it straight away. she gave minute a look- who was deep in thought, he didn't give Y/n any sign of him listening to her.

she had to take her chances- she didnt know how long this opportunity would last for. heck, it could have ended already. 

She breathed in a slow shaky breath, she looked at her exit. She just needed to run.

so she did.  she struggled out of his grip before he could catch her. she broke free by lunging forward and out of the corner of her eye she saw spider. staring at her with wide eyes like she had done something wrong. 

little did she know spider had actually worked it out, it somehow just clicked with him. Maybe because it was something he would do In a situation like this. They were most likely going to use them as bait towards the xeno morphs 

She ran her heart out...

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