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"Hyung, it took you forever!"

Felix clicks his tongue in disapproval as Minho finally crosses the school yard to join us after waiting for merely ten minutes.

Mind you, the sun is shining brightly and the temperatures are high for late April so there is hardly anything worth complaining about. There's even a soft breeze gently blowing over the yard and the soft hum of airplane engines fills the air, a sound I always link to the summer and great weather.

"Hello to you too," Minho greets us, unzipping his green bomber jack as soom as he reached us. "Mrs. Song was making a fuss over my class' behavior."

"You shouldn't bully your poor physics teacher," I playfully scold him, and the boy shakes his head in denial.

"Wasn't me," he defends.

"Not this time," Felix corrects, joining our conversation. "I met you in detention because you were being mean to your teacher."

"Oh yeah, I was so mean you immediately wanted to befriend me," Minho defends.

"It was mutual, hyung," the other states with a knowing smile.

"I'm still wondering what exactly was wrong with me that day," Minho mutters, turning away from us to throw something inside the trash bin.

I roll my eyes at their never-ending bickering. Their weird friendship is something I will never understand. Somehow, the playful bickering means they get along. Felix just likes to annoy his hyung and Minho makes it his goal to respond as pissed off as possible. It must look like they can't stand each other, while it's actually the complete opposite. It's confusing but then again, I'm not an expert on friendships between boys.

"Stop fighting, toddlers," I scold, slapping Minho's shoulder because he happens to stand nearby. He jumps slightly and turns to me with an indignant look in his eyes but they immediately widen as Felix loosely places his arm around his shoulders.

"It's okay, we actually get along perfectly," the youngest solemnly states.

Minho quickly shrugs the arm off his shoulders and growls, "Watch out, I'll send Jisung to get you."

"But that's a good thing," I exclaim, my eyes widening with excitement. "I've always wanted to meet him."

Jisung is another friend of Minho, attending another high school a little while away. That's also the main reason we never met each other. From what I've heard, Jisung is the only one that manages to turn our indifferent and quiet Minho into a total goofball, which is why I'm quite skeptical about the just friends thing. It's also why I don't -can't- ship him with Soojae.

But Felix actually backs off a little, his hands leaving Minho instantly. "I don't wanna risk it," he states, frowning slightly. "What if that Jisung guy is scary?"

I can't help but laugh at that, even though I've never met him in real life. "Didn't Minho show you those pictures? He looks like a squirrel, not scary at all."

Minho's eyes twinkle in amusement but Felix doesn't budge. "Squirrels can bite and a lot of them carry the rabies virus," he says matter-of-factly.

I look him dead in the eyes and Minho just sighs. "Yeah yeah, let's go to the grocery store before this escalates even more," he urges, lightly shoving Felix in the back to get him to move.

The streets around the school are nearly free from students since most of them already got a good distance away during our time in the schoolyard. The sun is still shining brightly and it's impossible to be in a bad mood right now. The grocery is a good fifteen minutes away from our high school but if it would've been 30 or 45, I wouldn't have minded. This weather is perfect for a nice stroll around town.

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