i can see it in your eyes

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I really felt at ease after Harry and I's little pool side talk, the words he said kept replaying in my mind the night before like catchy lyrics.

I couldn't get the words out of my head.

Everyone can be and love whoever they choose.

It made me feel accepted as who I am and all I wanted to do was tell him. But I couldn't.

I couldn't get the words out, so I just sat there and smiled really big.

Harry didn't question me on why I was asking which was a good thing because I would've definitely panicked and tried to change the subject.


Harry and I were outside swimming in the ocean at the beach right by our resort. It was sunset and the mood was really calm as my best friend and I enjoyed each others company.

Harry is one of the hottest and funniest guys I know.

He really knows how to crack a funny joke at the right time.

I've liked him for the longest time and the two of us are really close so I think it's time to let him know how I feel.

I mean what's the worst that could happen?

The two of us sat down on the cliff side watching the sunset. I pulled out my phone and we started to look at old pictures of us in our childhood years.

"Oh my gosh! Remember the time our school had a cake bake contest and we ended up fighting on who can make the better cake"

"Yeah I remember!" He laughed "than at the end we threw cake batter and icing at each other and were eliminated from the contest" we both laughed harder remembering the moment.

"Wow we've had a lot of moments together"

"Yeah" he replied smiling at me.

"Oh, and remember that time in fifth grade when my mom wouldn't let you sleep over so I threatened to sneak out and walk to your house even though your house was an hour walking distance away"

"Yeah we would do anything just to have a sleepover"

"We were crazy, and we would't let anyone in our friendship. It was just the two of us always."

"Forever." He held my hand and smiled one of his most genuine smiles at me.

I felt safe around Harry, I've known him for so long I feel like I could trust him with anything.


Taylor and I were sat at the top of the cliff admiring the beautiful sunset and the way the waves crashed at the rocks below us.

It was a mesmerizing site and I was enjoying the moment with my best friend before we had to go back to London in two days.

I looked over at Taylor who was smiling at an old picture of us.

We sat there in silence for a while until she decided to break it.

"Harry" she said

"Yeah" I replied

"Do you think our friendship would last forever?" She looked up at me.

"Yeah of course, why wouldn't it?"

"I don't know I just.." she trailed off "I feel like your going to find love and then we just won't be friends anymore"

"No why would I ever leave you if I find love, your my best friend Tay"

"Right, I'm your best friend" she looked down, sounding a bit annoyed with her response.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing it's just- i don't know, I'm your best friend" she whispered the last part but I still heard it.

"Well what do you want to be" I asked. She didn't answer.

She still wasn't looking at me so I lifted her head to face me.

"Do you not want to be my best friend?"  She didn't answer again and I felt a bit irritated.

"Taylor this isn't going to work if your going to keep ignoring me. We've been friends for the longest time so I don't why your suddenly acting like this"

"That's the thing Harry we've been friends for the longest time. FRIENDS!" She was yelling at this point.

"So what"

"So what? Seriously Harry. So what?"

"I don't get it"

I had no clue what she was talking about. We were best friends for the longest time and now she suddenly want to end our entire friendship.

"Harry, I want to be more than just your friend" she took my hand in hers and looked up at me.

"Oh" was all could say.

"I've had a crush on you for the longest time Harry and I've been wanting to tell you, but I was too scared you didn't feel the same way."

"Oh" I was speechless again.

I felt so bad that I don't feel the same way as her. I was left out of words and was totally not expecting that. What am I supposed to tell her now?

I can't tell her I'm gay.


Wow two updates in a day, who am I?

Also let me know if you want to be in an instagram or whatever group chat, I'm in need of friends

Love you guys and thanks for all the nice comments you guys are the best.


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