i apologize if I'm moving too far

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"What the fuck is happening?"

That's all I could think as Zayn was teasing me. I could feel my heart beat speeding up as he stepped closer to me.

"You did some crazy things Harry", His voice getting quieter.

"What is it that I did?" I purred.

"A lot, and you should be punished for it" he whispered into my neck.

I could feel a shiver going down my spine. Zayn stepped back, grabbing a plate from the kitchen counter.

I just stood there, still in shock at what just happened. Zayn almost just seduced me, than just left me standing here in shock, completely over thinking everything.

What is wrong with this guy!?

As I was walking out to my car, getting ready to leave. I heard footsteps approaching from behind me, it was Taylor.

"Harry wait!" she called out from behind me, I turned around. "You can't be driving in this state, your still Hungover"

"What do you mean, no I'm fine"

"No, Zayn can drive you", As much as I didn't want Zayn to drive me Taylor was right, I can't drive. My head is still throbbing from the night before and I'm not trying to get myself killed.

"Ready?" Zayn asked, walking out of the house. "We'll take my car, you can come pick up your car later when you're feeling better." He smiled.

That goddamn smile drives me insane.

I got into the passenger seat of Zayn's Mercedes, not saying anything. The drive was silent, I could only think about what happened earlier.

If Zayn wasn't that drunk than why did he do all those things. He made out with Shawn, tried seducing me, cuddled with me as we watched a movie.

I wanted to ask him if he was gay so badly but I couldn't. What type of question is that and why would he ever tell me.

The car stopped at a red light. I looked over at Zayn, noticing he was staring at me. We made eye contact and I couldn't help but admire his pretty brown eyes and long dark eyelashes.

He's so perfect.

"What are you looking at Styles" I giggled, moving my face closer to his and pressing my finger to his chest.

"What are you looking at Malik" He turned around facing the road, chuckling.

The rest of the car ride was quite and awkward. We pulled up to my house and I stepped out of the car not saying anything.

I walked up to my front door and unlocked it. I looked behind me noticing Zayn hadn't left yet, he was on his phone.

I was going to yell bye but I honestly didn't have the courage and I didn't want to make this any more awkward than it already is.

I just stayed silent, opened my door and stepped inside. Hoping that Zayn didn't find it weird that I was being so quiet.

I walked into my house to the sight of my mom sitting on the couch.

"Omg Harry!" She ran up to me giving me a tight squeeze. "I told you to be back before three, what happened?"

"Sorry mom, I drank too much"

"Son, what did I say about drinking?"

"I'm really sorry mom. I wasn't planning on drinking so much, but I got a bit too carried away"

"It's ok, I understand. As long as you're ok"

"I'm ok" She smiled, giving me another tight squeeze.


The car ride to Harry's home was extremely awkward. We didn't say a word to each other.

We pulled up to his driveway, still quite as he got out of my car and walked to his front door.

I wanted to wait for Harry to step into his house, before leaving. I don't know why but I wanted to make sure he was ok.


A few weeks later

There's one week left of school and I can't wait for summer. The trip to the Bahamas is going to be one to remember, I could just feel it.

Today we all decided to go shopping for last minute items we still need. Liam and I decided to go pick up sunscreen and he got distracted in the condom isle.

"Liam you don't need the condoms"

"You never know Zayn so I'm bringing them just in case. I mean come on this is the Bahamas, girls in bikinis are everywhere, who wouldn't want to sleep with a girl in the Bahamas"

"Uhmmm me?"

"Then who would you rather spend the night with?"


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