06: Their Special Bond

Start from the beginning

"Ja, I'll go home and sleep. I'm tired," he said in his lazy, monotone voice before turning on his heels.

She immediately tugged his shirt, stopping him, "Don't you want to spend more time together, Atsushi? I'll cook your favorite."

He was tempted to accept the offer, but he must contain it. Because Himuro and that Kagami will be there too and he couldn't handle the painful feeling he would feel if he sees Yumi again with another man except himself, of course. He was just too used to him being the only person close to her, and so seeing her smile because of other people was too painful. Her changes were too painful for him. He was jealous, and that's why he had to distance himself before he couldn't control his emotions anymore.

"Yada yo, I'm so sleepy. Ja bye Stalker-chin," he continued to leave while silently letting out a sigh.

Yumi was upset but she remained composed. She waved a hand at him, "See you later, Atsushi. I'll come by later, I promise."

Somehow, hearing that promise made the tall male smile to himself. He couldn't wait until later..

When Murasakibara finally disappeared from her sight, Yumi sighed then opened the metal gate of her grandfather's house. She breathed the fresh air which carried a nostalgic feeling. Everything's just the same way as she remembered, nothing much had changed. She knocked a few times before hearing her grandfather's baritone voice yelling, "Coming".

She snickered, wondering what his reaction would be. He didn't know she would be coming home, so she bet he'd really be surprised. And so when the door opened, she exclaimed, "Surprise!"

Yeah, sure. He was really surprised, she couldn't even describe the look on his face. And since he was still idle, she took that opportunity to squeeze him into a tight embrace. "I missed you a lot, Grandpa."

He finally recovered from the pleasant surprise and cackled a laugh, he hugged her back. Actually he wasn't very much surprised of her sudden arrival, it was because he nearly didn't recognize her at first. She changed a whole lot. Seeing her new look in the magazines was a thing, but seeing it in person was another thing.

"I missed you too, Yumi. When did you arrive?" Ittoki pulled away then examined his granddaughter, amazed of what he was seeing. She looked great and he was so happy for her. "You changed so much, but it's a good change. I couldn't wish for more." He showed her a smile. Which made her smile back, seeing how happy her grandfather was just by looking at her.

After sharing another warm embrace, they finally stepped inside the house. Yumi instantly beamed, seeing the place again which was filled with happy memories after almost five years made her glad. The interior was still as how she remembered it, there were a few changes with some decorations though. But all in all, it was still homey and comfy.

She had a talk with her grandfather about her parents and life in America, and of course her work as a model. He was proud of her and of what she'd become. After all, her appearance was the only thing that changed--she was still the same Yumi he knew. The kind, spontaneous, and sweet Yumi.

In the middle of their talk, the doorbell rang. She knew instantly who it was so she obliged to open the gate. She opened the door and instantly saw Kagami Taiga and Himuro Tatsuya outside their metal gate.

"Hey," she ran towards the gate and opened it. "Sorry about the trouble, guys. I couldn't stop Atsushi."

"That idiot," Kagami grumbled in a low voice before dropping the suitcases and moving closer to her. He checked every part of her body, searching for any possible signs of her being injured. When he found none, he sighed in relief. "Glad you're okay."

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