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Hi umm this is weird. This is my first ever story on whattpad.  I wanted to just write a out my school days, thoughts and more. I am a girl and live in Sweden but thats allmost the only information that you will get for now. The school system is a little different here so it might be a little confusing.


So today I was sitting in my religion class and I sit in the back in the corner so it's pretty chill and the teacher doesn't even bother asking if I need help. I'm that bitch in class that is good at every thing... except P.E. If you actually like that shit I don't know how I just hate it and I always get hurt. But anyway I was minding my own business and looking at ships from my favorite anime( Yaoi ships heheh) and then I hear one of my classmates say "lesbians and gay people are just to weird and I can't stand them" and I haven't come out yet but I'm bisexual. Hehe yeah so that hurt , I don't know if i should be offended or not but I just feel sad and hurt. I wanted to just go and hurt my self and get rid off these feelings. But I didn't my dad is so observant and I have hurt myself in the past so I don't want him to worry. So I did the only thing I could at school... irritate Samuel ( fake name for a real person) He and I have a weird relationship we are friends but he always hits me with a ball in P.E
and if you make him angry he will hit you so that's exactly what I did. He hit me kind of hard after I annoyed him and it was an instant relief . Then it was time for lunch I did not eat anything, I love food but hate it at the same time. I get discussed often and this started like a year ago sooo yeah.


That's my first ever chapter it was very short but I just got the idea in class to write about my feelings and just vent out .

So that was very weird and strange.

my journey through the hell I call the school full of fucking idiotsWhere stories live. Discover now