Chapter 11: The Tramp Who Saved The Queen

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The first thing you got aware of where voices somewhere around you. They were blurred and you couldn’t make out what they were talking about. Then they got clearer.

“Oh Anna, this is all my fault! If I had been there earlier, I could have prevented this!”

Annother female voice answered in a gentle tone.

“Elsa, this is not your fault!”

“Yes, but it is!”, said the first voice, desperation and anger in her tone. “She is lying here because of me!”

The second voice sighed.

“Elsa, she chose to run into that building. None of you could have predicted that the roof would collapse.”

“Yes, but she is hurt because of me!”

You heard footsteps walking off into the distance.

“Elsa, wait!”

Then, the pain returned. You groaned, as your memory slowly came back to you. The fire, the Queen, falling. You body aces.

“Elsa, stop! She’s waking up!”

Footsteps hurry back in your direction.

“(y/n), can you hear me?”

The pain. It drove you insane. A throbbing pain throughout your whole body – but then you remembered the voice, calling your name: “M-my Queen.”

Then you fall into darkness again.

When you woke again you felt the softness of the mattress you were lying on and the warmth. You body still aced, but slowly you open your eyes. It took you a moment to focus on your surroundings. You were lying in a bed with white linen in a room with a high ceiling and a fireplace. And it was night time. You blinked, focusing again. Someone was sitting in a high-backed chair to your left.

“You are finally awake.”

You would remember that angelic voice anywhere.

“My Queen”, you whispered in a hoarse voice. Her beautiful features come into focus when you turned your head slightly, causing another wave of pain to shoot through your body. You hiss in pain. Her eyes looked worried at you. In the dim light her pale face seemed to glow in the dark.

“Shh”, she whispered, reaching forward and touching your forehead. “Please relax, or the doctor will have my head.” Her soft fingers were cool to the touch and relaxing, you closed your eyes for a moment.

“W-what – are you doing here, your Majesty?”

When you open your eyes again, she withdrew her hand, smiling.

“Taking care of you, of course.”

“Y-you don’t – have to”, you whispered weakly, your voice still trembling.

“Oh yes, I do have to. I owe you my life. It is the least I can do.”

You lips twitched in an attempt of a smile.

“No problem. Anyone would have done that.”

Her eyes swam with emotion as she touched your arm.

“No, they wouldn’t have. So at least let me aid you to get well again.”

You attempted to lift your hand, but only could move your fingers weakly. She smiled and took your hand in hers. You stared into those beautiful eyes for a long while.

“Anything for you, my Queen.”

You squeezed her hand lightly and she smiled warmly at you, squeezing your hand back.

Magical Attraction (Elsa x Female Reader Fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat