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Today, before Natasha's arrival, my wife and I had gone to our latest sonogram appointment. Although we already knew that we were having a little girl we still wanted to be able to actually see her every chance that we got.

The Agency of Guardian and Dhampir relations that Roza created, and that Guardian Ethan Moore is the head of, is doing very well. It has helped a lot of guardians, who were in bad placements, get out of them.

It had also gotten all of the guardians, who had left the moroi world in order to be together in the last ten years, back into the fold. And they were all happy to be able to be together and be guardians again.

Doing that had raised our guardian numbers by over a thousand. Not counting the restored who ninety-nine percent of insisted on staying true to Roza. By remaining guardians for her and all of our family and friends. So, no matter how many guardians we needed to guard someone or somewhere in our circle we had them. Even without taxing the court sanctioned guardian numbers.

The restored guardians all had their titles reinstated but most of them refused to rejoin the ranks. As I said, opting instead to stay close to Roza and do whatever she needed them to.

Roza and I had managed to fix the mess of the guardian allocation system. Now, all moroi were eligible for guardians and not just the royals as it used to be.

The program that Roza and Christian started, called conveniently enough the Offensive and Defensive Magic Program. Or the ODMP. Which allowed all of the moroi to learn to use their magic offensively and defensively to fight and defend themselves and others was also doing very well.

Thousands upon thousands of moroi were now trained and still in training to help their guardians fight. And more were signing up every single day.

Granted, most of them were the younger of the royals as well as all ages of the non-royals. The non-royals knew what it felt like to be defenseless and not have a guardian there to protect them and their loved ones. Which is why I figured that they had been the first in line to sign up for the program.

Some of the older royals still prefer to sit back, on their hands, and let their guardians die for them. Although altercations with strigoi were very very few and very far between now a days. Since Roza and her teams had killed all but less than a hundred of the strigoi which were spread out all over the world now. I think the last strigoi that was restored said that there were actually less than twenty-five strigoi left in all the world now. That he knew of.

He also said that they were trying to stay in hiding to keep from becoming extinct. But thanks to Roza's visions she knew exactly where they were hiding as well as where and when to send her teams after them.

The guardian numbers were finally on a steady increase now instead of decline after so many decades possibly even centuries.

Roza had hired non-royals and non-guardian dhampirs to do the filing and other non-guarding and protecting jobs in our world. Which freed up thousands upon thousands more guardians who could and were sent back out into guarding positions.

Doing that had also given, a great many people who had needed them, jobs to provided for themselves and their families.

And because of this, she had also managed to lower the number of unemployed among our people by the thousands. Which increased the love and adoration that our people had for her in a huge way.

Some of the dhampir, that graduated these days, did not want to be guardians. Which was fine now, and all because of the rapid and steady decline of strigoi and the increase in guardians. They were all allowed, without much complaint from the royals, to do as they pleased with their lives now. No matter what that was.

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