Chapter 45

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Lyubov' moya nodded but at the same time I could see and feel her worry, fear, apprehension and trepidation. (my love)

"It is very beautiful baby girl. Have you had a lot of these kinds of dreams?" My queen asked our little girl.

"Yeah. Dasha, Dante, Lorna and I don't always see the same things though."

"What about Ian, can he see these things too?"

"Yeah, but he likes to play with fire too much to worry about them."

She answered without a thought or understanding about what she was saying.

"When has Ian played with fire baby?" I could hear the quiver of fear in my angel's voice.

"Mostly when Cerci isn't looking. Like when her boyfriend comes to visit her." My baby shrugged.

"Wait, are you telling us that Cerci leaves you guys alone to spend time with her boyfriend."

"Yep." She said as she continued to draw a new picture still not understanding the meaning of what had just been said.

I just happened to look up at our circle of friends, family and guardians and they all looked murderous.

"Where is Cerci?" Roza asked as she locked eyes with Alberta.

"She put in for time off for the trial, but I haven't seen her there all day." Alberta informed us.

"Find her!!" Lyubov' moya growled viciously. And with just those two words Alberta nodded and walked across the room speaking into her comms. (my love)

"Your babushka and I will watch them from now on." My mother said. (grandmother)

"What about the bakery mama?" I asked.

"My family comes first, if Sonja needs more help then we will hire some. But I refuse to have my grandbabies neglected because their nanny wants to spend time with her boyfriend."

"Marin, have you seen Cerci and her boyfriend doing anything else, like holding hands?"

"We have seen them kissing, but they kiss on the lips a lot, just like you and papa do. And when Cerci's boyfriend lays on top of her without any clothes on she said that they were just playing a game."

"What kind of game baby?"

I was boiling mad but doing everything in my power not to show it to my children. Because I didn't want to scare them by getting 'all grrr and growly' as Marin so cutely put it.

She shrugged.

"I am going to kill this suka Mitya!!!" (bitch)

"Me first lyubov' moya, me first." (my love)

Lyubov' moya was still trembling in rage when we made our way back to Tasha's trial. And I didn't blame her because I was just as furious as she was. (my love)


Once order was called Lord Rufus Taurus continued his questioning of Darius.

"So, would you tell us what the unquestioned favor was that you called in?"

"Of course. When the time came I called Natasha, she was living in Minneapolis by then. I can still remember that phone call very well."

"Please tell us about that phone call Lord Taurus."

"When she answered I wasted no time on chit chat, small talk or pleasantries, I just got straight to the point. I told her that I was calling to call in that favor and she still tried to ask me questions, questions that I refused to answer. I told her that I wanted her to find me a pair of three month old human male and female twins and bring them to me. Again, she tried to question me. I in turn told her that if she wanted to know why, then after she delivered the children to me that she could hang around and watch. She caught a flight to Romania where she searched for and found the twins that she was looking for. When she had them she boarded my private jet and came to us, we were in Morocco at the time."

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