Chapter 16

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"Yep." She laughed, as she popped her 'p'. Her eyes gleaming with laughter, mischief, joy, happiness and love.

"Roza, Roza, Roza, dorogaya moya you are skating on very thin ice." (my darling)

"Oh really? How is that?"

"You are giving me all sorts of scandalous little ideas, milaya." (honey)

"Really? What kind of ideas exactly?"

I didn't answer her question, I just smirked and pulled her as tightly against my body as I possibly could. And when she least expected it, I shifted so that one of my legs fell between hers and I started dirty dancing with her.

As we danced together I rubbed my leg against her hot core. Soon our breathing became labored and our desire for each other escalated more and more by the second. I could feel the heat from her core through my pants and that heat sang to me, it bid me to make love to my soul mate.

I bent her back over my arm and trailed my nose down from her chin to the valley between her glorious breasts, where I placed a kiss over her heart.

As soon as her song choice ended another song started. The song was 'She's a Brickhouse' by The Commodores, and God knows my Roza is exactly that.

"Let me guess, this is another of your song choices?" I laughed.

She leaned up and took my earlobe into her hot wet sexy mouth. Which shot my desire for her past the orbit of the sun, and made my eyes roll to the back of my head. "Whatever gave you that idea Mitri?" She moaned.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe it's that devilish gleam in your beautiful brown eyes or that sly smirk on these amazing and delicious lips of yours." I answered as I looked into her eyes and then brushed my thumb over her plump bottom lip.

"Do you like my choices of older songs Mitri?" She breathed huskily in my ear as her nipples thrust into my chest. They were so hard I knew that her breasts had to be heavy and aching with need.

"I wish that I had the words to tell you just how much I like them." I moaned as she again began to suck on my earlobe.

"After the song is over, why don't you take me home and show me my Mitri?"

"I plan to do just that, my warrior goddess queen. I plan to show you that for the rest of our lives milaya moya, but for the next few days to begin with." (my dearest)

She moaned against my neck. God, she was turning me on more and more with every passing microsecond.

"Take me home lover," she said when the song ended.

"Blyad' Roza." I groaned into her delicate neck. (fuck)

I quickly activated my earpiece. "Her majesty is ready to go home."

I was so turned on that I could barely disguise the quiver of desire in my voice, but going by the look on Alberta's face she caught it. After those words no other words were needed to her guardians for them to understand that it was time for us to leave. And due to that we were soon surrounded by all forty-eight of her other guardians, plus Alberta.

As we walked outside I quickly and quietly slipped the keys of the SUV to Alberta. She chuckled when she saw what happened next.

I looked around making sure that no one else was around. When I saw no one anywhere around us I swept my woman up into my arms bridal style, and crawled in the back seat with her. We were in the very last row of seats alone when I reached over to the console and raised the privacy shield.

Queen Thorn (complete)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon