Chapter 4:

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Sorry that this is a day late dhdhjk I was busy playing sims 4 yesterday oof

A week had passed since Yuna's disappearance stunt and Yoongi still couldn't get the damn Jungkook guy out of his head. He had tried talking to Yongsun about it, but the older woman had brushed him off, muttering something about -gotta fucking clean this house before the boss shows up. Yoongi doesn't know who this boss is.

But there was something about Jungkook that Yoongi had seen before. He swore that he had seen him somewhere. It was not at the vet clinic since he didn't usually go there. He sighed as he felt a headache forming from all this thinking and he sipped some of the tea Yeojin had made. It was past 4 p.m so every one of the youngest was home- well Changmin had stayed at school to continue with after lessons- and from the noise from the living room, they were loudly bickering again.

"I need the pen Yeojin!"

"Nu-uh! Let me write something, you suck at flirting!"

An offended gasp sounded and something fell on the floor "I do not suck!"

"You swallow!"


Yoongi felt his left eye twitch and he slammed the now empty cup down on the table. He couldn't think with this noise, nor could he even hear his own thoughts. The bang from the cup silenced the whole gang of kids, one of them even cursed, he was about to get up from the chair to beat their asses but stopped as Sunmi came running towards him with a pen.

"Please go and buy these things!" She said as she hurriedly yanked Yoongi's shirt arm up and scribbled down- with a bad handwriting- each thing he needed to buy.

Eggs, tomatoes, soda, ice lollies- strawberry and kiwi-, chicken strips, ketchup, onion, ramen, soya sauce, sriracha,

Yoongi nodded and grabbed her card that she was holding in her hand "Sure, but get them to stop fighting or I'm going to actually lose my marbles." He motioned with his head towards the living room where the fighting has resumed.

"It's your fault, you broke the tv Yoongi."

Yoongi rolled his eyes and went out in the hallway. He broke the tv while playing Wii with the girls a few days ago. He passed the room full of kids and stopped. Yuna and Yeojin had Jeongin pinned down to the floor, Yuna had one hand in front of the boy's mouth as his muffled screams floated through the air. Yeojin had an evil grin on her face as she drew on Jeongin's forearm.

"Ew! Jeongin licked my palm-"

And that's when Yoongi exited the house. He looked down on the shopping list written in ink on his skin. In some spots, the ink had bled into the small wrinkles on his skin. The thought of his soulmate also getting this, never crossed his mind.


Jungkook sat in a seat far back in the auditorium. Even though he was a dance major, he had picked up on some extra classes, such as Korean history. He doesn't know why he even did that, he knew that he had barely any time with his main course. The professor was again talking about some stuff related to back in the world war times, Jungkook zoned out. He stared out the window, the sky was grey and it looked like it would start raining any second now.

Jungkook closed his eyes for some seconds, but then his forearm started to burn. Like nails digging themselves into his skin and his eyes shot open. He tried to not make a sound as he felt the pain intensify for a few seconds. The guy beside Jungkook gave him a weird stare as Jungkook aggressively grabbed his arm.

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