All of those gathered had a bottle of bubbles in their hands. The tops were double hearts, churches and stakes with crowns around them.

As we walked out the doors everyone started blowing the bubbles into the air. In front of the doors to the reception hall sat a carriage exactly like the one on our wedding cake.

We had gotten dozens upon dozens of remarks and complements on not only our wedding cake but also my groom's cake.

All of the kids were thrilled to be on both of our cakes with us, especially our own children. And the adults really seemed to enjoy that part as well. And the topper on our wedding cake was a huge hit with the adults and kids alike, again especially with our kids.

The carriage took us to our palace where we would spend the night before we departed for our honeymoon in the human morning. I still hadn't told Roza where we were going for our honeymoon. So, I really hoped that she enjoyed our honeymoon. And not just our loving time together but also the places that I had planned for us to go.

Bright and early the next human morning, Hans Croft showed up at the airstrip, just as we were about to board the jet.

We had asked him yesterday to meet us here so that we could talk to him before we left.

We had said goodbye to our children last night. Since we knew that all of our family, friends and circle of guardians were leaving last night. They left shortly after the reception to start their own journey. They were spending two weeks at Disney World and another two at Disney Land. That would give them plenty of time so that they wouldn't miss anything and they wouldn't have to rush.

"Your majesties, you wanted to see me before you left?"

"Yes, Guardian Croft, we wanted to thank you again for agreeing to watch over court while we are all away."

"Of course, your majesties, I appreciate the trust that you have placed in me."

"Of course, Guardian Croft. Please don't forget, that if there is an emergency or if we are need in any way, to text us and we will skype you."

"Yes, of course, my queen. I hope that the two of you enjoy your time away."

"Thank you, Guardian Croft. Well, my beautiful wife, I guess that it's time for us to board." I said as I quickly swept her up into my arms bridal style and carried her up the steps of the jet as she giggled uncontrollably.

Fifteen minutes later we were soaring high into the clouds and on our way to our destination.

"Will you tell me where we are going now Comrade?"

"Well, I guess since we are on the plane and on our way... I guess that I could tell you. If you are really sure that you want to know?"

"Yes, yes of course I want to know." She squealed excitedly.

"For the next two weeks we are going to be staying in one of your father's villas. Which is right on a private beach in... Bali."



"But I thought our honeymoon is a month long."

"It is."

"So, that means that Bali isn't the only place that we are going is it?"

"No, it is most certainly is not. Remember I said that we will spend two weeks in one place and one week each in two other places."

She nodded.

"Well one of the last two weeks will be spent in one place that we both love. And the last week we will stay in a place that is very special and significant to our relationship."

Queen Thorn (complete)Where stories live. Discover now