Mother? Mom...

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He starts falling asleep, he starts snoring quietly, his snoring sounds like an angelic little kitten and on repeat it'll sound like a million angels singing in choir, he sleepily snugs up to Seth's chest even more than he already was.

He smiles a bit more than goes to sleep too, holding Salem even closer, not ever wanting his little lover to leave his side, ever.

Time skip; 7:34 PM. Remember Salem has to be home by nine-thirty. He's still sound asleep, peacefully humming in his own sleep, he starts whimpering and weeping in his deep sleep, he starts snuggling up closer towards Seth frighteningly, he looks alarmed and urgent in his sleep, he flinches repeatedly.

He slowly starts to wake up and instantly  draws his attention to the adorable pink haired boy that's in his arms, he still has tired eyes and can't see as well.

He starts jerking and flinching like someone is touching him, he starts trembling like he's terribly cold, he flutters his chocolate brown eyes open, his chocolate eyes widen open as he looks at the ceiling, his head and eyes are following something invisible to Seth's shiny, glowing yellow and deep, sparkling black eyes.

The whole room is dark, he is looking at the pink haired boy, his one yellow eye glowing in the dark, it's close to being closed because of how tired he is because he barely sleeps.

"Are you okay, baby boy?"

He states in a tired, raspy voice, sitting up a bit.

His chocolate river eyes are illuminating in the pitch black room, his face is terribly petrified and horribly shocked, his sight follows the dark and shadowy creature, his head hesitantly looks behind them, his breath hitching in the process as he shakes with pure and utter fear.

The light turn on because Seth makes them, he continues to looks at Salem.

"Salem, what's wrong?"

He states with a worried yet tired tone.

He starts looking down while shaking his head furiously, he clamps his small hands over his tiny ears, he blocks out Seth and the monstrous thing in front of them, his chocolate eyes are closed shut like an locked door wanting to keep others out. He starts breathing like he's having an heart attack or some sort of pains attack which doesn't sound good, he sounds absolutely petrified. His petite but curvy body is trembling, shaking, and twitching with every movement and beat equaling his amount of fear, he instantly puts his face into Seth's chest, hiding all things scary away and letting everything calm come into him by being with Seth and close by him, which makes him safe and secure inside and out.

*He securely wraps his arms around Salem, putting one around his waist and the other on his head, he kisses his forehead.


He puts the covers over Salem's head so that he can't see anything on his sides and in the back of him, if Salem looks up he can only see him.

*He squeaks out an scared and cold sound. Then, he subconsciously speaks in his mind, sounding like his voice is shaken.

"Th-there's something... black.. pi-pitch black.. and ladylike... outside of this blanket... her hair was unkept and untamed, her nails were very long and... dangerously sharp that can claw you like an jaguar... her eyes were glowing.. glowing red.. like blo-bloody massacre red... her breathing was terribly weary, shaken, and hitched... she crawled across everything like an creepy crawling spider... but, her bo-body and fac-face... was especially terrifying, she was strikingly blo-bloo-blood-curd-curdling... spi-spine-chilling... ha-hair-rising.."

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