I glared at his retreating figure. I grabbed my sword. "Like bloody hell, I will you little -" I ran towards him with my sword up. Pan was able to pass the barrier, but when I hit it, I was flown back. I groaned. "Ow."

Neverland (Past) (3rd POV)

Killian Jones held a sleeping Cassandra in his arms as he and Mr. Smee rowed to the death trap that is Neverland. Hook knew the dangers this island contained. He didn't trust anyone on the Jolly Roger to take care of his little girl. The only person he has left. Captain Hook knew the demon would find out he was here, so he kept Cassandra close to him as possible.

Mr. Smee was breathing rapidly as he looked around the jungle in worry. "Should we really be here, Captain?"

Hook didn't care about a lot of things at the moment. Only one thing plagued his mind. Revenge. He wants revenge on the Crocodile that took his hand and the love of his life. Rumplestiltskin almost took Cassandra but, luckily, he forgot about her. For now.

"Yes," Hook sneered. "Time stands still in Neverland. Which gives us enough time to think of a way to get rid of that bloody Crocodile once and for all."

It's like Cassandra knew her father was mad. She let out another yawn as she opened her eyes and looked up at her papa.

"Do you think it's a good idea bringing Cassandra along?" Mr. Smee asked worryingly. "What if you-know-who finds out about her?"

Hook pulled Cassandra closer to him. "That demon isn't going anywhere near my Cassie."

Mr. Smee gulped as Hook used his hook hand to move some leaves out of the way. There has to be a way to end Rumplestiltskin's life. Hook knew he'd find the answer on this island. And he doesn't care how long it'll take until he gets his revenge.

Neverland (Present) (Cas' POV)

I panted again as I got up. I've been pushing past this barrier for almost a day now. I used my sword in hopes of creating an opening, it didn't work. I've swung my sword for almost an hour before I gave up and ran towards the barrier. Each push had the same result. My body flying across the room until I rolled on the ground.

"That little twit," I sneered. Does he really think he could keep me here forever? No. I will not be trapped here like some sort of prisoner. Ok, I am on this island. This place is a prison. I was just too stupid to figure that out until it was too late. "Come on, Cas. You can do this."

I took a deep breath before I ran towards the door. I jumped and expected to be hit with the barrier, but, no, my body went flying through the door. I landed face first on the ground and groaned. Ow. I looked around with wide eyes as I picked up my sword. Pan's camp isn't that far. So I turned the other way and ran. I jumped over logs and pushed each branch that almost smacked me, but I ended up being where I didn't want to be.

"Oh, bloody hell," I mumbled.

I'm at Pan's camp. I know it's not possible for me to end here since I ran the other way, yet, somehow, Pan used his magic and I'm here. My eyes widen as I looked around. A few Lost Boys with a few swords were playing in one corner. Some were by the fire dancing in circles. Others were pigging out to something they probably hunted. It was like my presence at the camp made them stop.

I glared at all of them. "Yes, I know I'm gorgeous. That doesn't mean you have to stare," I said.

I heard a chuckle and looked towards the noise to see Felix coming towards me. A small smirk on his lips while his club was draped on his shoulder.

"They're just happy their Lost Girl is home," he said. Right when he said it the boys started to cheer. They kept chanting Lost Girl, which was getting me more pissed.

"I'm not a Lost Girl!" I yelled.

Felix's smirk grew. "You were right." He turned around right as Pan walked up. "She's still in denial."

I am not in denial. I'm no one's Lost Girl. I'm not lost. I know who I am. I'm not some broken girl that Pan can just manipulate into doing his biddings. So I ignored that little comment and glared at Pan.

"How long was I gone?" I asked.

"A little over a minute," he chuckled. "I'm surprised you gave up that easily."

I furrowed my brows. A minute. I'm positive it's been almost a day...oh, wait. I forgot. This is his island. He could make it however he wants it to be. I'm done playing his games already.

"Great, you win. Can I go home now?" I asked boredly.

Pan gave Felix a look. Felix nodded with a known smirk before leaving. Pan got closer to me. My chest beating with each step he took. I kept a straight face. I'm over Pan. I'm over him. I'm over him. My chest raced when gave me one of his signature grins.

"Follow me," he said.

I rolled my eyes. "Why would I do that?" This time Pan raised his brow at me. I sighed. "Fine." Pan was about to walk, but I pulled my sword out and held it over his chest. "If you try one thing..."

"What? You'll hurt me?" he mocked. I gave him an annoyed look before putting the tip closer to his chest.

"I'm serious, Pan."

Pan looked annoyed with me now, yet he agreed. "No funny business." I lowered my sword before following him. "For now."


A/N: Short chapters for now.

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