Chapter eighteen ~ Race Me

Start from the beginning

"I can say the same and you're dark. What, you've been sitting in the sun all day?"

"You can't really avoid the sun in Brazil." Tony joked, giving her a tight hug. "You can use some colour." He added, taking a step back.

"I agree." David beamed, pushing him self off the wall.

"And who is this young fella?" Tony asked, as he eyes appraised me from head to toe.

Suri smiled warmly, wrapping her arm around my waist. I reacted with thought, wrapping my arm around her protectively. "This is my boyfriend Gregory."

"Boyfriend . . ." Tony trailed off in shock. He looked at David questioningly and David shrugged it off. Suri let of a frustrated sigh and I knew something was bothering her. I gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze assuring her it was okay.

"Well congrats, Gregory. She's very dear to us, our little sister. You better take care of her." Tony warned in stern voice. I simply nodded. I didn't owe him anything, nor did I need permission from him to be with Suri.

Suri pulled from my hold and turned to the stove, shutting off the pot. She began to serve the food. "Why don't you boys sit and I'll bring you guys the food." She ordered with her back to us. David and Tony nodded and left with the other. I remained where I was because I didn't plan on eating.

I silently helped Suri get the plates to the table. She then returned with a stack of plastic cups and pitcher of ice tea that was in the fridge. She gave them a pleasant smile and turned to the living, taking me with her. We sat together on the love seat and she rested her head on my shoulder. I could hear David, Tony and the rest in a low conversation and small laughter. I didn't bother listening because they weren't even speaking English.

For what seemed like a while, Suri and I remained silent. Her soft breathing, the smell of her beautiful scent rubbing off her body and circling around me kept me a bay. I wasn't really enjoying David and his team's company. But Suri was happy that they were here, so that's all that matters. I could here movement of plates being stacked in the dishwasher. Lazy people I thought to myself.

"So," David started as he came into the room. "Who taught you how to cook?"

I glanced at him as his team filed in the room, sitting anywhere as they waiting for an answer. I shrugged, wasn't every man suppose to know how to cook for there lady. "I'm just a goo observer." I answered leaving it at that. I though it was a reasonable answer. David didn't have to know my whole life.

"Really . . ." Tony said from where he stood. He wore mischief grin that seemed to get under my skin.

"Yup," I said straight forward.

"Well not bad for a sixteen year old." Tony winked. I saw David Smirk, shaking his head.

"I'm actually eighteen." I muttered.

"A man," Tony said. Suri sighed and I could feel body becoming tense beside me and her mood irritated.

"So little sister," David said, taking the attention off of me.

"What?" Suri spoke in an aggravated tone.

"I haven't even proposed anything and you're already giving me that look."

"That's just because I know you. You gave me a freaking gun already. Out of all things you could bring me, you bring a gun." Suri cried out in one breath. She exhaled lightly, calming her self.

David rolled his eyes waving it off like she was talking non-sense. I, myself wasn't to sure about Suri having her own gun. One: it was completely dangerous and out of line. Two: she didn't know how to work a gun. Three: she wouldn't shoot any body. To me there was other ways of staying safe.

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