Chapter five ~ Hospital

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I woke with a massive headache, wearing the same clothes as last night. My eyes were heavy and burned every time I blinked. I rubbed my eye lids, blinking repeatedly as I took in my surroundings. I sat on my bed feeling a bit confused. I wasn't sure if it was a dream or I actually lived it. Until everything came crashing so fast, I glanced down at my hands. They were stained bright red. I gasped, jumping out of my bed. My clothes were covered in blood. This wasn't a dream and there wasn't any time waste. I raced into May's room hoping she'd be laying there. Instead I was washed with disappointment and fear.

How could this have happened? I cursed under my breath, flying out her room and downstairs. All I could do was pray that god didn't collect my sister's soul last night. It would devastate me. What would I do with out her? She is my twin, the other side of me. I wouldn't survive a moment of this torture reality.

To my surprise, I found an empty house with only Liz sitting in the dinning room. She sat staring into a teacup wearing a blank expression. My heart sunk low. Oh no.

"Liz," I said softly trying not to startle her. She jumped to the sound of my voice and hugged me tightly.

"Nena," she praised, kissing my forehead over and over. "Are you okay? I didn't know what to do when they brought you here last night . . . and when they explained about May." She started crying.

"She is not . . . where is May?" I choked out, clutching Liz closer to me.

"Your sister is in the hospital. I was waiting for you to wake." She answered. I threw my head back in relief. My sister was alive.

I straightened myself up wiping my tears away. "Let's go then," I ordered.

"Slow down," Liz said grabbing hold of my shoulders. "She is fine, go take a shower, wash yourself and will go right after." She assured me, kissing my forehead and turning me towards the stairs.

I sighed, doing what she said. The anticipation was killing me alive. Second hand information didn't quite fit with me. I needed to see for myself, to assure my soul that she was truly alright. For now, it would be a dream until I saw her. It already felt unreal. I knew I should have listened to my instinct. Something was warning me, telling me something bad was going to happen. Instead I listened to my sister. Not that I don't but look where it got her. In the hospital or worst, she could have been in the morgue and we could have been waiting for her autopsy result.

I clenched my teeth together and pushed that thought out of my mind. My sister wasn't going anywhere. I wrapped up my shower and dressing quickly and left downstairs. No more waiting.

"That was quick." Liz said.

"Does Dad or Mom know?" I began to ask as I headed out the door.

"He flew in last night and is in the hospital already. Your mom should be here in sixteen hours." Liz answered behind me.

At that moment, I didn't care about my life reputation. All I wanted do was be with my family, for daddy to assure me everything would be alright. My mind began to be flooded with imagines of my sister and I when we were younger, all the moments we shared contently. Celebrating our birthdays on Blare hill, the great adventures we constructed. It was playing like a movie with no ending and losing her is losing those memories. I wouldn't bear it. I'd never let that special cinema that plays in my mind burn out.

More weight seemed to lift off my shoulder once we reached the hospital. I didn't waste any time, I was out before Liz could even put the car in park.

"Child, are you trying kill yourself." She hissed angrily.

"Not yet . . ." I shouted before racing away. I dodged around an old couple who were walking two miles per hour. So close to my sister to then get stuck behind old people, I don't think so. Luck was even on my side when I reached the front desk. I gave the lady my sister name. I waited as she looked her up my sister's information. After a few minutes, she gave me a curious look but didn't say anything. I rolled my eyes, trying hard not to give this lady a piece of my mind. The best I did was snatched the slip from her hands, nodded my thank you and took off in a rush.

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