The bridesmaids; Vika, Sonja, Karo, Rebeca, Adele and Sonya would all wear floor length gowns with a lace bodice and a satin skirt with tulle over the top split to midthigh. And my matron of honor Mia would wear a matching dress to the bridesmaids. All of them in sapphire blue with gold belts and matching gold pumps. Their hair would all be up in a sexy but soft loose puffy bun with ringlets hanging around their faces.

My hair would be different. Mine would be pulled up on the sides and braided to meet in the back. Where a third braid, from the back of my head, would meet the other two and the three of them would then be braided together. And all of the braids would have gold sparkling ribbon and baby's breath woven through them with a few diamond hair pins along the braids. And it would all lay on the rest of my hair which would be curled to perfection.

Both of our sons would have matching uniforms to their father. While all of our daughters would wear their very first ball gowns, given to them by Dimitri and me, in the same sapphire blue color as the bridesmaid's dresses.

The dresses that the heads of the royal families had given to the girls for their birthday did not count. Because they would never wear any of them, Dimitri and I had already put them into storage.

Our son Dante would be a miniature groom and Eddie and Mia's daughter Aleesha would be his miniature bride.

Sonya and Mishka's son Simon and our daughter Lorna would be the second set of miniature brides and grooms.

And our adopted nephew David, Ivan's actual nephew, and our daughter Marin would be the third set of miniature brides and grooms.

Our daughter Dasha along with her cousins Zoya and Roslyn would be the flower girls. And instead of dropping rose petals they would drop whole cherry blossoms.

Our son Ian would be one of ring bearers and our nephew Paul would be the other.

And of course, my father would walk me down the aisle.

Once Mitya and I made all of the decisions we gave our catalogs and 'wedding details' binder. To the those that needed them and let them order and arrange everything.

Now all we needed to do was decide on the cakes, the ice sculptures and decide whether or not to write our vows or go with the traditional vows. I personally would rather we wrote our own vows. But that was something that I needed to discuss with Dimitri.

"What about our honeymoon baby?" I asked my fiancé.

"It is going to be a surprise for you lyubov' moya." (my love)

"But I will need to pack. So, I will need to know where we are going that way I will know what to pack."

"Nope, sorry. I will get your personal maids to pack for you."

"Will you tell me how long we will be gone?"

"I will tell you that we are going to three different places. Two weeks in one place, one week each in the second and third places."

"More hints?"


"So, we are going to be gone for a month. But what about our babies Mitya?"

"I have already spoken to both my side and your side of the family. And before school starts, they are going to take everyone else on their very own vacation. And before you ask, yes, they will have an army of guardians with them. Three each for each of our children, two each for Paul, Zoya, Roslyn, Aleesha, Simon and David. And two each for each of the adults."

"You've thought of everything haven't you?"

"I have tried to detka. It took your father and I almost a week to figure out, plan, make the arrangements and line everything and everyone up." (baby)

Queen Thorn (complete)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum