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Author's note!

Hello my beautiful babies! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1.01K READS! Broken  is one of my favorite books and was actually created almost a year ago, yet I only have ten chapters, this being the eleventh.... Anygays, I started writing this as a love-sick sixth grader. Crazy, right? Two of my friends and I all liked the same person. I told the first friend who liked him that I would lose feelings for him, but that's easier said than done, and I never did. Another friend told me that she liked this boy, and, of course I was stoked for her, but it also kind of hurt.

On the day they had said they liked each other, I cried for like twenty minutes while on a roadtrip with my beautiful mum and sister, both of which I love with my whole heart! I started this book with the intention to express my feelings in a character. The description's quote originally was, fun fact, "No, but at least you're happy." Before I knew it, this became a #fadie book.

This book has had to undergo some extreme ridiculousness of sixth-grade me. However, I'm not really mad at myself for the way I felt. I wasn't mad at anyone. I was just sad. I felt, well, broken. So this book was born!

I want to thank you guys for dealing with my sixth-grader ridiculousness. Thank you for staying with me throughout this book. It means the world to me, and every comment brightens my day. I love you all so much and I appreciate you more than you know. I love you lots!

   - With love and admiration,
                A 🌻🦋

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