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He ran to a shady tree in the field as a tear shed from his eye down his face. It wasn't normal for Finn Wolfhard to cry. He himself wasn't use to crying. He sat there, under the tree, thinking. One of his favorite songs played in his head, a new meaning behind it. "'Cause baby you look happier, you do. My friend's told me one day, I'd feel it, too. And until then I'll smile and hide the truth, but I know I was happier, with you." kept repeating in his head. He didn't understand how he was feeling or why he was feeling this way. He knew it wasn't right.

"Hey, you okay?" a voice asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Millie," Finn replied as he got up and walked away from the girl who was now standing in front of him. "Congrats on you and Saggytits."

"Why the heck are you so upset about me dating Jacob?" Millie yelled.

"You wouldn't understand," Finn muttered as he brushed pass her. He had a right to be upset! Many, many times he would try to tell Millie how he felt, and every time jacob would walk over to them, grab Millie by the waist, and kiss her. Finn was sick of it! He grabbed his backpack and walked straight out of school he didn't care that school was still going on. He didn't care if he got detention. He just wanted to get rid of Millie and jacob. Together. "GET OVER YOURSELF, JACOB!" Finn yelled as he walked out.

"Who put you in a mood?" a voice asked.

"Who the heck are you?" Finn asked.

"I'm Sadie, nice to meet ya',"Sadie smiled.

"Why aren't you in class right now?"

"I could ask you the same question, sir."

"Get over yourself," Finn said as he walked away.

"DITTO, BUB!" Sadie yelled.

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