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"Was I made from a broken mold?"


"Come on, Finn! We have even more places to see!" the firey redhead spoke.
She watched as the boy she had come with touched every single shelf, as if he was inspecting it. This made the girl very nervous. "Finn?"

Finn stopped touching things, as if he was awoken from a daydream. "Sorry," he said. "Ready to go, Sades?"

Sadie smiled in relief and led Finn back out of the door, locking it behind her. Finn looked over at her and immediately felt like he had seen an angel. Sadie's messy red hair, loosely thrown into a bun sparkled in the sunlight. Her white shirt, which had a small rainbow in a heart on the left of her chest, elegantly stood out against her peach skin. It showed who she truly was. That rainbow, which lay upon her heart, was a scar. Her scar, which she had inhabited after her storm. It was a sign of survival, and she wore it
(never let anyone see your brokenness, dear)

Finn smiled at her; at her courage. This girl, who he hardly even knew, was changing his life for the better. He hope he could repay the favor, but that would be quite hard when you only bring a negative aspect, huh?

Sadie loved Finn, although she hated to admit it. He was her best friend. She trusted him. He has been here when nobody else has, and now she trusts him so much as to show him all of her places in hopes it's the right choice.

"Where to next, red?" Finn asked, glancing over at the girl.

"Well, I usually go for ice cream right about now!" the girl smiled.

Finn chuckled, realization sinking in. "So... when we're eating lunch, you're taking a snack break?"

Sadie giggled, too. "If that's how you want to think about it! Now come on, my ice cream is already melting!"

The boy was left speechless and confused. "How can you? What? I... I just don't get it..." he mumbled. He jumped as he realised that Sadie wasn't kidding about her ice cream- she was already five feet in front of the boy. "WAIT UP!"

"Come on, bub! I'm hungry!" the fierce girl shouted back. She continued riding, scared she would be late. Late for what, you may ask. Well, she was scared she was going to be late to her meeting with Joe, the guy at the ice cream shop. Joe was one of her best friends, right after Finn. "I can't WAIT for you to meet Joe! You're gonna' love him! He's my second best friend."

"Who's your first best friend?" the boy queried. He had a feeling deep down in his stomach that the ocean-eyed girl secretly hated him.

She stopped, pondering whether or not she should tell that the boy was. She smiled to herself and opened her mouth. "... You are. Feel special." The two of them broke out into a fit of laughter.

"Thanks, Sades. Ya know, babe, I thinka I could reeally chaange up ya life. Ya feel meh?"

Sadie shook her head at the boy, whose luxious curls sparkled in the sun. "Voices?"

"I'm working on it," he winked. "It's nice, to have multiple little personalities. Relaxing. Being able to pretend like there's nothing wrong; like we live in a perfect world, with no tragedies, or litter, or pain, but these things make life real."

In that moment, Sadie felt herself fall. Boy, did she fall hard. She felt her knees bleed, tracing her legs. She felt her body get warm; her heart explode; and her cheeks become heaters. She looked down at her knees, and nothing was wrong. I guess she fell hard, afterall, but it wasn't physically. It was in love.

(🏹) 𝓫𝓻𝓸𝓴𝓮𝓷-FADIE!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora