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"Hey, Finn! Ready to ride to school?" Sadie asked one morning as Finn opened his bedroom window.

"Yep! Just have to put on my shoes," Finn smiled.

"Take your time, bub."

"Bye Momma! I love you!" Finn yelled as he walked through the hallway.

'"Momma"?' Sadie laughed until she fell on the floor.

"Race you to school!" Finn yelled as he zoomed past a shocked Sadie who still lay on the floor.

"Oh, you're on!" Sadie yelled as she hopped on her bike and raced to catch up with the boy. The two of them passed quickly by people walking to school as they rode side by side up streets. "You've gotten pretty good at this!"

"Thanks! I actually can go up the hill now! Ready for our slurpies?"

"Aren't I always?"

"True. So, are you going to come into school today or just stay in the parking lot on your bike sitting in the hot sun?"

"And risk seeing Millie? No way. You should hang out with me today! It gets kind of lonely, you know."

"And break the rules? Yeah right. I'd rather yell at Millie again."

"Yeah right. You and I both know that's a lie. Come on! We've all got a little bad side to us! You just haven't unleashed yours."

"Sadie, I love you to death, sweetie, but I am not breaking the rules!"

"Oh come on! It's only for one day!" the small girl argued. It was time for her to unleash the puppy dog eyes. She whimpered her lips, a pleading look in her eyes as the two of them finished getting their slurpies. "Pwetty pwease, Finn?"

"Ugh, fine," Finn said. He couldn't believe what he was about to do. He rolled his eyes at the cheering girl standing besides him. "Come on, let's go pay. We're going to be late!"

"Um, Finn, we can't be late if we're not technically going to school."

"Agh, right."

The two payed for their slurpies, putting them in Sadie's basket as they raced to the parking lot of the school.

"So what do you do all day? Just sit here and wait for school to be out?" Finn asked, looking at the lonely parking lot, a few cars sitting in gghe heat of the sun.

"No. I actually just finish my slurpie here, so we have some stops to head too!" the red head responded. The sun shown down on her beautiful face, twinkling in her eyes as she looked up to the taller boy.

"Oh goodness," Finn said, face palming at the thought of places Sadie would go.

"Dude! I'm really not that bad! You'd be surprised once you get to know me. That's exactly what we're going to do today!" she simply smiled, taking a slurp from the icey drink that she held in her cold hands. Honestly, her hands weren't cold from the drink. The drink felt warms against her hands. They were always cold.

"Are you just going to talk all day while we sit in the sun?"

"No. The places we are going to mean a heck of a lot to me and I think they'll speak for themselves. Now hury up and finish your slurpie so we can get going."

Finn sighed, contemplating why he agreed to this in the first place as he finished his slurpie and threw it in the trash. "Come on!" Sadie giggled, hopping back on her bike, waiting for Finn to do the same.

The two teenagers rode along the busy streets of their hometown, known as Calibre, Texas (A/N- I know it's not an actual place but I just came up with it so I'm sorry you guys!). They were given weird looks as the laughter of two not-so-lonely teenagers flew in the wind as they told horrible jokes. After what seemed like an hour, but was only five minutes, they finally arrived at their destination. "Um, Sadie?" Finn asked.

"Yeah, bub?" the red head asked as she directed her attention at her surroundings.

"Why are we in a forest?" the boy questioned. It all seemed so weird to him. He never really liked nature.

"Oh, well, this is my calm place. A little bit to the south there's a small stream, too. Usually when I have my down moments I come here and stick my feet in the water. It really does calm you down to listen to nature. It's as if it's talking back to you. Coming here always shows me just how much life is worth living. This place is the reason I'm still holding on," Sadie smiled. The girl turned around, walking towards the stream, a melody at the edge of her lips. She hummed, beginning to sing, completely forgetting the older boy was still there. She span around on the dirt like it was a stage and she was performing. The words cooed softly as she danced, nearing the river. She sung the final lyric of the song she had resting in the back of her head, the final melody leaving her with a sweet taste. Her wavy, red hair rested against her sun kissed shoulders.

"That was amazing."


Hey my loves!! I just wanted to say that I am SO sorry I haven't updated in so long! Thank you so much my loves for all of the support on this book! Sorry the chapter is kind of bad, but I love y'all!
Amanda ♡

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