T H I R T Y - E I G H T

Start from the beginning

I washed my hands and then walked out of the bathroom smiling, he was at the room, leaving his bag and things on the desk. then he turned to look at me with a warm smile.

"Hey baby" He said sweetly, and walked to me. I smiled at him and he wrapped his arms around my waist, quickly pulling me closer to him as he kissed my lips softly. I smiled between the kiss and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. We pulled away and looked at each other with a smile.

"How was work?" I asked him softly. Today i had closed the gallery earlier to buy the pregnancy test and do it. But he didn't have to know that. i was hoping he didn't ask me about my day, because then i wouldn't be able to lie for too long.

"ugh, it was a nightmare, i'm so glad i can come home and finally relax with my monkey" He sad cutely and picked me up from the floor laying us both on the bed. I giggled and layed on top of him with my both arms on his chest. i loved him so much , if i was ever going to have kids it was gonna be with him, so why am i thinking so much about telling him?

"What do you think about us?" I ask out of nowhere, Noah frowned and looked at me surprised, it wasn't a normal question for me to do, but i needed to build the conversation before dropping the bomb on him.

"What do i think? i don't understand, i think many things about us" He said looking intently at my eyes, confusion in his. I frowned too, trying to think of words to say.

"I mean... About our relationship, about how things are right now" I explain, hoping it'd be helpful, he nodded and licked his lips, probably thinking about his answer.

his frowned turned into a smile as he started speaking "I think we're doing great, i'm so happy with you , i like that we're living in this place, and it's so close from work, and i really like the fact that i can get to see you and have dinner with you every night, so i can make you laugh and i love how i can sneak into the shower with you and then i have to run to work and almost be there late because you can't take your hands off me" I rolled my eyes and laughed because we both knew who was always the one making us get to work late.

"is there something you could think about that could ruin all of that happiness that you're feeling?" I ask him once more, i was hoping he wouldn't say a kid because then i'm dead. he pursued his lips thinking and then shrugged

"I don't think so babe... everything is so perfect right now, baby why are you asking me all of this? is there something wrong?" he said placing a strand of hair behind my ear, i looked away from his eyes and shrugged.

"Depends" I whisper and he lifts my chin with his finger, making me look at him

"Valerie..." he said stern

"Noah..." I replied with the same tone and he chuckled rolling his eyes, I sighed and bit my lip.

"Tell me what's going on" he said softly and i couldn't get the words out.

"I know we used to talk about it a lot when we were in college, but would you actually like to have kids with me?" If i couldn't actually say the words maybe i could just start giving hints.

"Yeah, of course i would, you know i want to marry you, as soon as possible, and then in some years we could move to the suburbs and have kids and a dog and be a cool dad"

"With terrible dad jokes" I interrupted and he rolled his eyes

"A HILARIOUS dad, and go to the movies every wednesday, and go to the beach house in the hamptons" he said daydreaming and i smiled resting my head in his chest "Why are you asking me this out of the sudden?" he asks stroking my back as i closed my eyes laying completely on top of him.

"What do you want to eat for dinner? you know what? we can go out, there is this great steak place a couple of blocks away..." I quickly try to get away from the question, Noah looks at me intently and nods.

"Okay, we'll go, and have some steak with wine... as soon as you tell me what's up" He sits up a little and i'm cuddling into his chest, i sigh heavily closing my eyes tightly

"I might not be allowed to drink wine..." i drag on and Noah widens his eyes separating from me to look me in the eyes, i look at him shyly, he blinks a few times.

"Are you..." he can't say the words either, and i just nod slowly "That's why you've been crying and puking and..--" he rambles and i sigh hiding my face in his chest, he hugs me and strokes my back and hair. he kissed my forehead softly and i bit my lip harshy.

"are we gonna be fine?" i ask weakly and noah tries to lift my face so i can look at him again.

"Of course we are, I mean, i was not expecting this so soon but its still something i wanted with you, and i'm doing great at my job, you can hire help for the gallery if it comes to that, and it's all going to be fine, i promise" he said trying to call me down, i was worried about us but he was so gentle and sweet.

" so you're not gonna leave?" i ask weakly and he opens his eyes shaking his head furiously

"Of Course i'm not, are you kidding? I'm not going to leave the two loves of my life " I smiled at him and nodded softly at his answer, i closed my eyes and rested my head in his chest, i was smiling i was calm.

"i ruined your plans of moving to the suburbs and raising our kids there" I mention and he shrugs stroking my cheek softly

"It's fine, i'm sure we'll do just fine here or anywhere" he murmured in my ear and i hugged him tightly

"I love you Noah" I say hiding my face in his chest and he kissed my head softly

"I love you too, Valerie" He whispered and held me tight."

I was so glad about how he took everything, i knew he was not going to be a douche about it, but he was so sweet nonetheless. he was truly my charming prince.

"So.. about that steak..." 

------------THE END------------

There is a third book!

I'm so nostalgic because this was my very first story here in wattpad, and its the very first story i get ot finish, i'm so proud of it and i'm so happy people got to see it. It was a lovely journey, i smiled, laughed and cried while writing this, i hope you got to enjoy it as much as i did when i was writing it. 

Still if you like this story you might want to check the other two stories i'm writing, One is about Harry Styles and the other is about Zayn Malik. I'd be so happy if you check them out and give me feedback since both of them are only starting. The storylines are very different from this, but they are really interesting for sure

I love you all so much, thank you for reading this story and living this with me <3 

See you soon ... Any updates for the epilogue will be posted as an annoucement so make sure to follow me ;)

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