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A/N: I went from 43 on the Noahcentineo ranking to 640 something. I'm likee in the end of the ranking how is that even possible? Ugh wattpad are assholes



My hand steadily shook the art counselor I was making a deal with. He had countless of clients from the upper east side that were willing to buy in my gallery. I was so thrilled specially cuz they had special interest in my own pieces.

When he left I started jumping up and down and squealing. This was the best news I've had in such a long time.

Okay. I can't be ungrateful. Yeah, it sucks that Noah will never be mine again, but at least I got to him, Right?

I met Tara, who's has been a wonderful friend. Despite my secret jealousy over her. I have my gallery up and running, my art classes, and even though Chad is not Noah, he's been nothing but sweet to me.

Either way…

I was filled with joy. And apparently I couldn't hide it.

“Someone's happy” Chad said as he walked inside of the gallery. He had a bag from the Thai place down the block and a little 7 eleven bag.

“well… I'm thrilled “ I say shrugging not being able to wipe the smile off my face. He chuckles and leans down to give me a kiss on the cheek. He does know how to take things slow how I asked him.

“okay, let's celebrate, then! Why are you so happy  darling?” he leans on the counter and I start telling him all that happened this morning, he listens intently and smiles adding a comment about it here and there.

“then I'm so glad I brought you lunch, because we can eat it with a glass of wine and it'll count as celebration” we both chucked and I decided to close the gallery for lunch.

I took Chad's hand and walked with him to the back of the place, and then we went up the stairs that lead to my apartment.

I was opening a bottle of wine, while Chad was serving the takeout in the small dining table I had.

Of course he brought my favorite kind of Food. He knows I'm trying to keep my distance and he does absolutely Everything that I like in a guy. This guy doesn't take no for an answer

We sat down and he held my hand softly as he drank a little of wine.

“oh I almost Forgot “ he suddenly said and I frowned seeing him Stand up and grabbing the 7-Eleven bag.

He put his hand inside and took out a huge Twix chocolate bar.

“I really really like you V, I can't stop thinking about you and I just wanted to bring you a little something” He handed the chocolate to me like it was a bucket of flowers.

This little fucker is making it hard on me to keep my distance.

“you're amazing, how did you even know they were my favorites?” I say taking it and smiling at him. That was absolutely adorable.

“I have my ways” he says smirking and then shrugging. We then resume to eat our food while Talking about thousands of things. I might admit I am starting to like Chad. Well, to Really like him.

After we are the lunch we had already drunk 2 glasses of wine each, and I was straddling Chad on the couch having a legit make out session. My hands traveled down his chest and I held his belt in my arms while looking up at him

“how long till you have to go to work?” I said softly and he looked at the watch in his hand

“umm about an hour…” he said smirking and I dipped my head in his neck leaving a wet trail of kisses.

“that sounds about right…” I mumble in his ear and give him a playful bite on his earlobe. He just complies to My wishes and it ends up how you all guess it'd end up.

(a/n: I'm not about to write a Chad/Valerie smut that'd be so unfaithful to my baby Noah)

I laid on my side, trying to catch my breath. Chad was doing the same and we were facing each other. A little playful smile in both of our faces.

“I actually came for lunch to ask you something” Chad said propping his head up in his hand while leaning on his elbow. His body was absolutely gorgeous, sometimes I forget he was a high class athlete.

“okay, what did you wanted to ask me” I say softly and he smiles giving me a small kiss on the nose. I smile back and sigh in content.

“so… there's this little 4th of July trip I've planned with my friends ages ago” he started and I bit my lip knowing where it was heading.

“Chad…  I don't know anyone.. “ I say frowning and he chuckles shaking his head

“nope, no excuses, besides Tara and Noah will be there, and is this beautiful huge cottage next to a lake and it's just going to be great. But I'd really like for you to be there.” he continues and I pusue my lips in thought. Would it be a good idea?

“wouldn't it be awkward to be known as Noah's ex in front of all of your friends? I…” I rambled and he frowned letting out a heavy sigh. Maybe I shouldn't have said it like that?

“nobody knows about Noah, just Tara and me, maybe you don't have to be seen as Noah's ex, but Chad's girlfriend??” his voice sounded unsure at the end and I saw the nervousness in his voice. He was actually asking me to be his girlfriend

“Chad… you know what I said about this relationship” I said trying to not sound rude and he clearly didn't care about how my tone. He was annoyed

“it's been a month how much longer, V? You won't even date me, I can't bring you flowers, I can't call you baby, I can't introduce you to my friends?” he sighed and sat up in bed, Starting to get dressed. I sighed and sat up putting on my underwear and quickly walking around the bed sitting in his lap to stop him from getting ready.

“Chad.. I haven't had a boyfriend in so long.. I.. “

“I know your last boyfriend was Noah, and I know it was devastating for the both of you to end it, but it's been years, Valerie… you have to give me chance, because.. I am not looking for a fling or an open relationship or anything really. I need a real relationship” he sighs and rests his Hands on my hips. He looked frustrated and disappointed.

“don't make that face, it makes me sad to see you like that” I say cutely and he sighs

“I don't have more faces” he frowns stubbornly and I giggle wrapping my arms around his neck, it was only fair that I gave him a chance, and I didn't know anybody here other than Tara and Noah…

“c'mon… Smile for me, yeah? I don't want to see my boyfriend all sad in our 4th of July lake trip” his face immediately lights up and he wraps his arms tight around me while pulling me Down to the bed again and crashing his lips on mine.

My heart was screaming ‘go get Noah’ but my brain was telling me I had to move on or I would never be able go on with my  life.

Either you pick your head or your heart. Today I'm picking my head. Because my heart wants to make terrible desitions.

VOICEMAIL ||  Noah Centineo AU (2nd Book)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora