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Tara and I were having a coffee together in a café near my gallery, She had been taking aiden 3 times a week to the gallery for his art classes and we started bonding over that.

Tara was truly one of the sweetest girls i’ve known, especially here in the city where everyone seems to be too busy to engage in a friendship. Tara just seems like a great friend to have in a city where i don’t know anyone else.

“oh so you went to Stanford? that’s amazing, no wonder why your art is so good” She said as she sipped from her coffee, me? i was having a tea, we all know how much i hate coffee

“Really have you seen it?” I asked skeptically, I was always very insecure about my work, and it felt so great when someone complimented it

“Yeah, you have some paintings in your gallery, right? I saw the signature, i suppose they’re yours” She said smiling and i simply nodded.

“Thank you” was all i could say, i didn’t know how to respond when someone complimented my art.

“What about you, Tara? what do you do?” I asked with a soft smile and she chuckled a little

“I.. well, I majored in psychology, I just never got to work on it” She said shaking her head slightly “I found something that i love more” She said with a smile and started looking for pictures in her phone “I’m a kid’s teacher like you” She smiled and i nodded, i understood what she meant, when i was about to finish my art degree i started teaching and i found out how amazing it was to teach kids, they are just so pure.

“What do you teach?” I ask curiously and she showed me some cute pictures of little kids in swimming pools some with their water wings some other without it.

“It’s so beautiful when they get in the water for the first time without any floating device, and they pick it up so quickly once they start, it’s amazing” She said as her eyes were sparkling with happiness, i smiled softly at her and we just kept chatting for awhile.

She was easy to talk to, who would have thought we’d get long so well, i was thankful i had at least a friend here in the city, otherwise i’d lose my mind. She talked to me like we’ve known each other for years and she was telling me about how her sister died and now Aiden was a little orphan, that broke my heart completely i really had no idea, i couldn’t imagine how would i’ve felt if my sister passed and my baby jason didn’t have a mother anymore

“So, you take care Aiden on your own” I asked a little worried, no wonder why she was so busy, and some days she looked really exhausted

“Sometimes, my mom is the one that lives with him, I am the one that takes him to school, and to your classes, my older brother help us out sometimes and he takes him to family trips on the weekends” She sighed heavily “well, pretty much everyone is involved, he is our little son”

“I’m glad you and your family are tight, that is important, I am sure Aiden feels really loved by all of you “ I say and she smiles softly, and shakes her head trying to dismiss the topic, she brings her hands up to her face, and i notice a beautiful diamond ring adorning her right hand. I feel like we're close enough so i speak

“Are you engaged?” I ask curiously as i look at the ring and she puts her hands on the table and starts playing with it biting her lip

“Yeah, i am” She smiles softly and shakes her head “It feels like a dream honestly” she says and i nod, I wish someday i can marry someone i love so much that it makes me as happy as she looks now

“How long have you been engaged?” I keep on asking, and she smiles straightening in her seat as she gets ready to talk about her love. it seems like she really need a girlfriend to talk about al these kinds of things too.

VOICEMAIL ||  Noah Centineo AU (2nd Book)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora