Bonus V: Surprise! II

Start from the beginning

When I made it to the hospital the receptionist asked why I didn't have Johnny with me still and I gave her my usual answer, haven't told him yet.

I was called back soon after and the doctor checked on me.

"The child looks to be in perfect health. I am correct to assume you still don't want to know the gender?"

"That's right."

"Ok. So do you have any questions?"

"Yes sir. How come I haven't got much bigger? I mean I'm due in 2 months." I tell him.

"Well. It's different for all women. Some women get bigger, some hardly get big at all. It depends on the body type really."

I nod slowly.

"Doc. Um. I still haven't told anyone I'm pregnant. I'm scared. Do you have any suggestions on how I can?"

He thought for a minute.

"Try telling your brother first. You know how he can be." I laugh.

"Dally is still in jail for holding up a gas station."

"Visit him. It's important to know you still have your families support even if he's someone like Dally. Then next tell the father. Anyone after that isn't that important as long as they support you." I nod slowly.

"How should I tell them?"

"How bout I print out some pictures and you can surprise them with it in like a gift set or something."

"Yeah. That sounds nice. I'll send Dally a letter and have that with it." The doctor smiles and nods.

"Alright. Come back tomorrow they should be printed. Unless you have anymore questions you're free to go."

"Thanks. I appreciate this so much." I give him a quick hug before I leave the hospital. I stop by the DX and see the boys outside talking.

"Hey Vixen." Soda says. I smile.

"Hey Soda."

"How are ya?"

"I'm pretty alright."

"That's good. Cause for a while you've been kinda depressing."

"What do you mean?"

"You know. You've been real moody all the time."

"Oh. I'm sorry. Girl problems." I tell him and he smiles.

"Yeah. My girl had a lot of girl problems before she broke up with me. Turned out she was preg- Vixen you ain't-"

"No Soda! Of course not!" I yell fighting to keep my blush hidden. Soda calms down and Steve looks worried.

"Oh thank god."

"Why's that thank god?"

"Because we cant afford I keep no baby around the house. I'd still love you and the baby Vixen but that would be to much."

I nod slowly.

"Yeah. Ain't that the truth."

I never considered how hard this would be on Darry and the others. I was only thinking about myself.

It would cost a lot to fix up a room and buy diapers and food and a crib and stuff. Plus it would keep the boys up and they have to work all the time.

Suddenly my breath caught in my throat and I felt myself hyperventilating.

They are gonna kick me out.

They'll disown me.

They'll hate me forever.

"Vixen? You alright?"

I shake my head and take off.

I didn't know where I was going. I heard Soda and Steve yellin behind me.

I pushed on though.

They don't want a baby around.

You can't raise a baby in a town full of gangs anyhow.

When I was sure they weren't following me no more I stopped and clutched my stomach trying to catch my breath.

Can't raise it in the town.

An idea popped in to my head.

The country.

I frowned at this thought.

No way was I gonna make Johnny leave the place he grew up at.

His friends his job.

I felt tears prick my eyes.

What the fuck do I do?

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