The attacks came in fast and repeatedly. Drazah used his wings to lift himself around The Emperor with ease, staying evasive while putting his whole weight behind each strike. Harried, The Emperor could only use his sword to defend as Drazah continued his assault. However, the Demon King had yet to land a single damaging blow as each powerful claw glanced off armour and sword alike. Frustration building with every second.

Sweat dripped off Drazah's brow, tracing his eye. He blinked it away and in an instant, his guard was down.

The Emperor made use of the opening, slamming the flat of his sword directly into Drazah, who rolled into it, spreading the impact across his shoulder. The force still echoed through his arm, sending a wave of pins and needles shooting through to his fingertips.

The blow caused Drazah to slide to the side with some speed. He spread his hand wide against the sandy grass to maintain his balance as he slowed. A firm flap of his wings held Drazah steady, the sand he kicked up billowing into a cloud of dust around them.

As he came to a stop, Drazah's fingers brushed against the familiar cool metal of his sword. It was tiny in his demon claw. He grasped it tightly as he dived in for one final assault.

This was it. He could feel it. It was now or never.

Drazah bolted forward with all his might, every last ounce of strength in his legs and his wings pushing him forward. Black sword held firm and proud, he lunged towards The Emperor. Fury raged through him, scalding pressure urging him forward, erupting like a geyser, as his sword finally hit skin. He revelled in his victory, blood spraying over The Emperor as Drazah stared him down. His body burning in righteous victory.

Drazah halted. Shocked.

Although Drazah landed his sword, it hardly glanced across The Emperor's shoulder as he turned and sunk his blade deep into Drazah's belly. The Emperor swung his mighty blade with such force it sliced through the King's side, left to right, as if it was butter until it stuck hard in splintered bone.

Drazah let out a gut-curdling roar that trailed off into a weak gurgle. His hulking demon body doubled over. He coughed, blood streaking down his chin, as he grabbed at the wound in horror.

Had he failed?

Drazah turned cold as blood drained from his body. A wave of fear and regret washed over him as he realised himself. His knees buckled, unable to hold the weight of his failure and guilt. Blood pooling in the sand around his knees, broad sword held firm, he slowly reverted to his lesser form.

The surrounding soldiers stood silent.

They watched as The Emperor placed his foot on Drazah's chest, bracing as he pulled out his now blood-soaked sword. He whipped it to the side causing splatter along the ground. Drazah's sight grew dark as The Emperor walked away.

"Ralts! Ready the troops," ordered The Emperor, not bothering to look back as he wiped down his blade.

"We're moving out!"

* * *

Queen Nymati was in the library, looking East through an open window when it happened.

With a sudden beat, her heart thumped as if trying to burst through her chest. A pulse tore through her entire body, a wave of savage pain caughting her breath, ripping right through to her soul. Tears welled in her ruby eyes as she stared unblinking into the desert horizon. Her body shocked into dysfunction as Drazah breathed his last, shattering their para-bond.

Nymati grasped her chest in horror.

It was a pain like no other. She grew so hollow her trembling heart rattled in her chest, every beat excruciating and strenuous. A river of tears streamed down her cheeks as she crumpled to the ground, crying without sound.

It had been mere moments, but to Nymati that moment was never-ending.

She lay on the sandstone floor, tears flowing continuously, pooling on the bridge of her nose before overflowing. Mind, body and soul exhausted, it was all she could do to keep breathing, a dark silence taking over her heart, drowning her in despair.

Nymati heard how painful breaking a parabond was, but always considered it an exaggeration. Having shrugged off the labours of childbirth despite the many horror stories, she always assumed losing Drazah would be likewise, but this? This was beyond anything Nymati ever imagined. Malaki near floated out the womb in comparrison.

Perhaps her arrogance would be the end of them both, but she felt it no more than she deserved.

Nymati became aware of a crowd forming around her and the sounds of her eldest son pushing his way through. He scooped her off the floor and into his arms with care, hugging her close. She caught a glimpse of his azure eyes and umber hair and turned away, squeezing away the last of her tears as she buried her head in his chest, unable to bear the resemblance to her dear darling Drazah.

Her chest heaved with every breath, her eyes tight shut as Amynus stroked her hair, rocking gently back and forth. Her skin was cold against him. Her body frail, unable to function.

With little effort, Amynus lifted to his feet, cradling Nymati like a child and carrying her through the palace. She kept her head nestled into his chest, unaware of the distressed looks from the concerned citizens they passed in the halls.

Nymati remained lifeless as Amynus placed her gently with her head on a pillow, her eyes finally opening to find her bedroom. She lay there, ruby eyes dull and glazed over. Her breathing so shallow it may as well stop. Her heart so broken she feared it might.

She was never supposed to do this without him.

How could she possibly carry on?

* * *

The Light of Miera: A Guard's Request (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now