"Stay with me tonight" I don't respond straight away and his grip tightens a little, "Please..." he says in a small voice. "Why?" I tell him and sigh outloud and Ky looks up at me, I just smile down at him and he looks back at the screen. "Don't make me say the reason" he laughs, "Go on" "I miss you..." he sighs and I laugh a little under my breath. "Why I see you all the time nearly"  I smile a little, "Because you're always with these guy's, the only time's we we're close now was today when I picked you up and we kissed, when you sat on my knee and in the storeroom" he sighs, "I miss you" he says stronger this time and starts doing little circle patterns on my arm, i shiver a little and Jon looks at me, "You cold?" he says and ick up a blanket from the floor and throws it one me, "There you go" he smiles. I thank him but inside i'm screaming at him, he just made it easier for Shaun!! "Say yes" his eye's are focused on mine and I find myself not being able to look away. I sigh and give in, "Fine but i'm only sleeping nothing else!" I glare at him as a big happy smile breaks out onto his face and he hugs me close to him, "I love you so much!" he giggles and causes everyone to look at us, "Stop being a big bay Shaun!" Sophie shouts at him, "You're going to make the horror film all soppy!" she pouts and I laugh at her. "Sophie, don't be like that! Let me show my love openly!" he smiles and throws open his arms for effect forcing me to grab around his neck for support, "See! She wants me!" he winks and Sophie launches a pillow at Shaun's head. "Thank you!" he grins and catches is, he puts it behind his head and leans back a it and then puts his arms back around me so my head is at the nape of his neck. He draws the circling patterns on my arm again making me a little sleepy and I feel myself drifting off.

I stir awake at a slight movement, still sleep I listen to whats going on. "She's sleeping, so i'll take her to bed, I think i'm going to crash as well" Shau says to everyone, they all so ok and continue to watch their film, I open my eye's a little and look up at him, I feel myself falling a little and put my arms around him and pull myself up a it, "See she's fine with it" he laughs, I can feel eye's on me, I look down and see Ky. I lift my hand up and do a little wave, "Night night! Love you all!" i giggle, I hear Sophie, Lacie, Ash and James say love you back and Shaun stands up. Come on let's get you to bed" Shaun says looking down at me, "Your bed right" I say remembering the conversation earlier, he nods and starts walking. "Night guy's" Shaun shouts back and they all say it back.

We enter Shauns room and he lays down on the bed, "One sec" he smiles and goes over to the cupboard, I watch his movements and watch his muscles move. He comes back with two shirts, "You're kinda cute Shaun" I giggle as he pulls of his shirt to swap it, "Oooh! Muscles!" I laugh and poke his stomach, he just looks at me with eye's full of laughter. "You're kinda cute too" he says and kisses my forehead, "I don't wanna be cute! I wanna be a badass!" I pout at him, "Oh, you are very badass" he smiles and takes off his jeans so he's in his boxers and a t-shirt. "You going to get dressed or should I do it for you?" he winks and I groan as I roll over, but I misjudged the distance and roll off the end of the bed. "Ah!" I shout as I fall and land on the carpet, I look up to see Shaun laid on the bed looking down at me, "You ok?" he grins "Shut up" I groan as I pick myself up off the floor and turn around so he's looking at my back. "Aw! No show tonight?" he pouts, "Sorry it's cancelled" I laugh and swap my shirts, "Oh well" he laughs and I hear him get under the covers, I pull off my jeans and climb under, "Cold!" I shiver as my are legs touch the sheets, "I'll warm you up" he says wiggling his eyebrows, "Oh stuff it!" I laugh and push him, I pushed alittle hard though and he falls off the other sde, "Hey!" he laughs and pops his head onto the side of the bed. "Meanie!" he pouts and I lean down and kiss him quickly, "You know it" I laugh and roll over so i'm facin away from him. "Hey now! You can't do that!" he pouts as he climbs back under the covers and pulls me over to him. "I didn't do anything!" I laugh as he tickles me, "Exactly" he grins, "St-op!" I say trying to catch my breath, "Magic words?" he says rinning over me, "Please?" I laugh, "Nope wrong!" he grins and tickles me more, "Ah! I can't take it anymore!" I cry out, "Magic words?" he smiles and stops for a second, "I love you Shaun" I whisper and he tcikles me again, so instead of sayin it quietly I end up shouting; "I LOVE YOU SHAUN!!" I slap my hand across my mouth and he stares at me laughing. "I think everyone heard that" he grins and hugs me, "Great!" I groan and bury my head in his chest. "Hey Dess" he whispers, "What?" I say my voice a little muffled, he takes a deep breath and shouts, "I LOVE YOU TOO!!" I look up at him and he smiles, "There now you're not alone in embarrassment" he smiles and rolls to the side so I follow him and drapes his arm around me so we're hugging, he pulls the covers around us and I close my eye's. "Thank you" he whispers as his lips meet mine. "You're welcome" I smile and kiss him back. We break the kiss after a little and I put my head on his chest, "Night" I smile, "Good night my destiny" he laughs and I lightly smack him, he just chuckles quietly and brings me closer, after a little while we're both asleep.

"Are they always like that?" Ky asks out loud a sour look on his face, "Yeah, they're quite close" Lacie shrugs, he nods and sits on the sofa, taking the place where Shaun was sat. "Ah!" we all hear Destany shout, then shortly after Shaun as well. I give a questioning look to Sophie, "They're fighting" she shrugs, "They've both just fell off the bed" James explains. I nod and continue to watch the film, then we hear Destany laughing her ass of, we all look in the direction of the door as she uncontrollably laughs. "Ah! I can't take it anymore!" we hear her shout. "Ok what the hell?" Ash says, "I LOVE YOU SHAUN!" Everyone looks at each other and it goes quiet apart from the movie in the background, we wait a few seconds more and then Shaun shouts "I LOVE YOU TOO!!" I look at my brothers and then everyone else. "Tickle fight, magic words are I love you Shaun, he does it to everyone" Sophie explains. "Yep it's embarrassing" James laughs, "He does it to everyone?" Jon asks, "Yeah he's a weird one but thats why we love him" Lacie smiles, "I do not love Shaun" Ash says laying down, "Bull shit" James laughs and then get's hit in the face with a pillow, "No" Ash says glaring at James who just laughs.

We wacth a few more films and then we all go to our rooms, thankfully no one had chosen anyone elses room. I sigh and look up the stairs. "Yours on the top floor?" Sophie asks, I nod at her and she smiles, "Easier way" she laughs and pulls a lever that opens up to a lift?! "There you go" she smiles and I thank her as I get in, "This is awesome" I smile and walk into my room when the lift stops and clim into bed falling asleep pretty easily.

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