Chapter 28 - The Final Straw: Part 1

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nine times out of ten the story behind the misbehaviour won't make you angry; it will break your heart


April 4, 2018: 10.29am. 

Jade and Laila had arrived at Karl & Shireen's home in South Shields late last night after three flights from Japan to get them there, the two had collapsed into bed, Jade had managed to get changed into pyjamas where as Laila had travelled in a pair of her pyjamas so she didn't have to change when they did make it home. 

With the time change messing with their body clocks, Laila had woken Jade up at 4 O'Clock that morning, before Jade made her lie back down to at least get a little bit more sleep. The two came down into the kitchen that morning at just past 7, after Jade couldn't face Laila begging for food for any longer. 

The rest of the family had surfaced between 7.30 and 8am with the two youngest members Jade's niece and nephew Karl and Amara very excited to see their aunt was finally home after a long trip away and not seeing them since Christmas time. Jade had been looking forward to seeing them as well so quickly she settled down at the kitchen table with Amara, Laila and a few of her dolls playing quietly together. 

Only Laila wasn't happy that her place of 'Jade's little girl' had somewhat been replaced. 

"Jade! Jade! Can we play with the other toys upstairs?" 

"Maybe, after we've finished playing with Amara's dolls," Jade said gently. 

"No, but now, just us!" Laila pressed. 

"That's not very nice, Laila. We're playing with Amara," Jade scolded lightly. 

"But I don't want to play with her, I want to play with you!" Laila cried frustrated tears pricking in her eyes. 

"Come on sweetheart, don't get upset. You get to play with me all the time and Amara doesn't, does she?" Jade reassured. She understood that the girl was jealous, It was understandable, Laila had had her undivided attention for months and now all of a sudden there was three of them! but she also didn't want her to develop a kind of 'sibling rivalry' with Karl and Amara desperately fighting for her attention.

"But you're mine!" Laila cried. 

"No Laila, I'm not a thing I'm a person, I don't belong to anybody. Stop this silliness please and play nicely or you can go and play by yourself somewhere else," Jade offered. 

"No fair! 'Mara's just a stupid baby!" Laila muttered angrily. 

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that but if you don't stop you'll be having a time out," Jade warned. 

April 4, 2018: 12.31pm. 

Laila's jealous behaviour hadn't stopped throughout the morning and although Jade was trying to ignore it, it was becoming increasingly difficult with Laila's repetitive insistence that Jade was hers and she had to play with only her and she had to sit with only her... etc. etc. 

"Laila, if you stop making these silly noises then maybe you can join in the conversation," Jade suggested while Laila moaned all the way through lunchtime. Laila mumbled something inaudible as she climbed into the chair next to Jade. "Good girl, eat your sandwich and then you have a cake," 

"Jade, I want that cake!" Laila said sweetly. 

"Which one, sweetheart? You have to finish your sandwich first though," Jade said seemingly pleased that the behaviour had stopped. 

"That pink one," Laila pointed. 

"You can't have that one darling because that's Amara's one, it's on Amara's plate," Jade said carefully. 

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