Chapter 25 - Toys & Laptops

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even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise 


March 20, 2018: 10.29am. 

The girls hadn't gotten back to the bus last night until past midnight, and due to a two hour meltdown once they did get back in it had been almost 3am when Laila finally got to sleep. Jade quickly followed, only she was awake at 8.30 whereas Laila was still fast asleep snuggled in the warm bunk with her bunny. 

Jade was going to have to wake her up soon or she wouldn't sleep this evening although she hoped that she would wake herself up within the next few minutes because the little girl was always cranky when she was woken up! 

But thankfully it wasn't long before Jade heard little feet shuffling across the floor and her voice calling from the upstairs of the tour bus. 


"Downstairs, sweetheart!" Jade called as she shuffled down the stairs in her sweet pink pyjamas cautiously, smiling when she saw Jade and climbing on to her lap. 

"Did you sleep well?" she asked as Leigh Anne grabbed Laila's breakfast plate from the counter where it had been sitting waiting for the girl to wake up. 

"Yeah," she said rubbing her eyes tiredly. "Can we go and play today?" she asked hopefully, it had been quite sometime since Jade had been able to take her outside to run and play, she had plenty of time to play in the arenas before and during performances but it wasn't the same as a proper kids playground. 

"Um- not today, sweetheart, we're very busy today but in a few days time we've got a few more days in one place so maybe we can find a park there," Jade suggests. 

"But I'm bored, my toys are all boring now," she moaned. For obvious reasons she hadn't been able to bring a lot of toys with her on tour, there just wasn't enough room and playing the same few toys constantly was getting boring for the six year old. 

"Okay, when we have time I'll take you a toy store to get something new," 

"Yes! Can I play with some of your stuff?" the six year old asked. Laila had asked a few times previously if she could play with some of Jade or the other girls things normally their clothes, shoes and makeup in the dressing rooms but occasionally she wanted laptops and iPads. Unfortunately for Laila the answer was always 'no' she had her own kid-friendly iPad with controls set and Jade didn't want Laila to come across something she shouldn't or break anything. 

"No, Laila, go and get something to play with down here please. But not the big teddy bear, there's not enough room for him!" Jade instructed. 

"But I love him!" 

"I know, but he's massive there's no room! Go on, go and get something!" 

"Can I go and play upstairs?" Laila then asks hopefully. 

"I don't know... Are you going to behave?" Jade said hesitantly, there was nobody upstairs and she wasn't sure Laila could be trusted by herself. 

"Yeah, I will!" she promised. 

"Alright then, but only with your own toys!" Jade warned as Laila disappeared off running up the stairs. 

The six year old reached the top of the stairs and headed towards the bunk holding her toys but was distracted seeing Leigh Anne's bunk curtain wide open. Completely forgetting Jade's warning she jumped slightly reaching into the bunk when she saw Leigh's laptop sitting on the bed. 

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