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This week was homecoming week. Everyone in the school seemed to be excited for it except for Peter and Zaylee. The dance was on Friday and it was Thursday. Peter was planning on asking Zaylee, but they hadn't talked since he didn't show up to the library. The boy didn't know what to do. 

Zaylee wasn't planning on going to the dance. Her friends continued to try to make her go, but her answer was the same every time, no. 

At lunch, Zaylee sat at the table with Ned, MJ, and Peter, though she hadn't talked to Peter all that much. She wanted him to tell her why he didn't show up at the library. Zaylee wasn't going to ask him though. If he wanted to tell her, then he would. 

"Are you sure you don't want to go to the dance?" Ned asked Zaylee when she sat down at the lunch table. "I'm sure." she laughed. "You should really go," he said. "Even MJ is going." Zayle looked over to the girl next to her. Looking up from her book MJ said, "Yeah. You really should go so I'm not stuck with a bunch of morons." Zaylee laughed at this. peter and Ned faked hurt. "I'm sorry. Dances just aren't my thing." She said ending the conversation.

Not only were dances not her thing, but her father would never allow her to go. He wouldn't even let her buy a dress. The blue dress Liz had bought was sitting in a box in the back of her closet. If her father found it, she would be in big trouble. 

Lunch ended and Zaylee started on her way to class. Before she made it to the door though, her arm was grabbed. Turning around she found her cousin with a nervous look on her face. "Hey?" Zaylee said, confused by her cousin's actions. "ok so I have a question, and it's not me asking you to go to the dance," Liz said and Zaylee nodded. "Even though you totally should," Liz smirked and Zaylee playfully rolled her eyes. 

"I was just wondering if there is anything going on between you and Peter?" She asked. "Like do you guys like each other?" Liz questioned. Zaylee hadn't put much thought into liking Peter like that. She does think he is quite handsome. When they first met Zaylee couldn't help but have a little crush on him. She didn't think he had one on her so she got over it. Now that they weren't talking she was really over it. Though at the mention of crushes, Zaylee couldn't help but hope that he liked her.

"Why?" Zaylee responded, not answering the question. "Because I see the way he looks at you. I think he likes you, but I just wanted to see if there was anything going on between you two." Liz said. Zaylee could feel a blush heat up her cheeks. Even though they weren't talking at the moment she couldn't help but blush at the thought of someone liking her. 

"no, uhm, nothing is going on between us," Zaylee said, telling the truth. A huge smile broke out onto Liz's face. "Alright, that's good to know because I am going to ask him to the homecoming dance." She squeeled. Zaylee's eyes widened, not expecting that. "Oh well, I have to get to class. have fun with that." She said before turning away from her cousin and walking into the classroom. 

Later in the day, Peter was walking down the hall when he saw Liz putting up a sign for homecoming. He didn't even know if he wanted to go anymore because the girl he wanted to ask would for sure say no if he did ask. Even if he didn't ask she still wasn't going to go. 

Peter started walking passed Liz, kindly smiling at her as he walked. "Peter wait," she called before he completely walked passed her. He stopped and turned to her. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the dance with me tomorrow?" She said out of the blue. if she would have asked a few weeks earlier he would have jumped at the chance to go with her. But that was before he met Zaylee. 

Peter thought for a moment. What did he have to lose? "Yea, uhm, I'd love to." He said. Liz smiled from ear to ear. Be at my house by seven. She smiled then walked down the hall. 


Sorry, these chapters are just getting worse and worse. I am having major writers block. 

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