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Quickly Zaylee jumped out of his grip. She was already embarrassed enough from the night before. She didn't want anymore embarrassment. Even though he didn't know that the girl in front of him was the same girl as last night.

"Are you alright?" Spider-Man said to her ask she walked to the edge. She looked over to see flashing cameras shining up at her. To the right of the cameras was the still burning building that had crumbled to the ground. The people that weren't taking pictures of her were taking them of what's left of the apartment.

"Are you alright?" He asked again as he walked up next to her. Now more people were taking pictures of them. Zaylee knew it was because of the boy standing next to her. He's practically a celebrity.

"Yeah." She simply replied walking away from the edge and sitting down in the middle of the roof. "Just a little shaken up." He nodded then proceeded to sit down next to her. "Thank god you got here when you did. If you didn't not everyone would have gotten out." He said.

The teens sat in silence. The only noises were the voices below and the sirens of the police cars and ambulances. Peter hiding behind his mask and Zaylee behind hers. "Maybe we should move to another building. People may be coming up here soon." Peter said standing up. He offered the strange girl his hand. She gratefully took it.

"Want me to swing us over to another building?" He asked scratching the back of his neck nervously. "I'm fine you just go ahead. I'll be right behind you." The girl in blue shrugged. He nodded then started to swing from building to building. He turned his head to make sure the girl was following and she was.

The girl was holding out her hands making a ramp of ice and skating across it elegantly. When she was off of the ramp the ice seamed to be steaming at the end of the ramp and going into the air.

Finally Peter stopped at a building and sat on the edge as she caught up to him. The girl planted herself right next to him. "Who are you?" He abruptly asked. He could tell the girl was taken back by his question but he really wanted to know so he could tell Mr. stark. And he also just wanted to know if this mystery girl went to his school.

"I can't say, sorry." She shrugged. "Who are you Spider boy?" She asked in response. "I'm Spider-Man." He put emphasis on the man part. Zaylee giggled. The two sat until the sun started to set. "Hey I have homework so I need to get going, maybe I'll see you around spider boy." Zaylee said standing up.

Peter stood up next to her as she walked to the edge of the building. "What school do you go to?" He asked, wanting as much information about this girl as he can get. "I'm not going to say that. Once I trust you I'll tell you about myself. But right now you get nothing." She shrugged. "I understand." Peter nodded. With that the girl took off, elegantly sliding across her ramp of ice.

Once the ice girl was out of sight peter ran to the other edge of the building and swung his way up to stark tower. The wind blew in his face fueling his energy. He was so excited to tell Tony about the girl.

When he got to the building he ran inside. "Mr. Stark!" He yelled running through the building trying to get to his office. As he was turning the corner he bumped into Happy Hogan. "Kid! What are you doing here!?" "I need to talk to Mr. Stark." Peter rushed. Happy rolled his eyes, "he's in his office." He sighed knowing he wouldn't be able to get rid of Peter.

Peter smiled then continued his quest to Mr. Starks office. When he was at the door he quietly knocked hoping not to disturb him. "Come in Peter." Tony said through the door.

"How'd you know it was me?" Peter asked walking into the office. Tony turned around in his office chair to face Peter. "I got a call from Happy. Now take the mask off." Tony motioned to Peters masked face. Quickly peter ripped it off and sat down in the chair across from Mr. Stark.

"So today I was walking, well more like swinging, around town today. I heard that there was a fire at a building. So I got to it as quick as I could. But when I got there the building was already crumbling. I saw the girl I told you about on the top floor. She jumped and I-." Peter was cut off by Tony.

"Caught her with your web." Peter sat there dazed. How did he know about that? Reading peters mind Tony spoke, "it's all over the news." He said flipping his laptop around so Peter could see the screen, he then pressed play.

Peter watched as the building he had been at previously started to burn. He watched the strange girl run from out of the crowd towards the building. Water flew out of her hands and started putting out the flames. Peter thought she only did stuff with ice. Then came the part of the video where she used her ice powers to get to the top of the building, making an ice slide so the family could get down.

The next part was the part Perter had experienced. Where she jumped and Peter caught her. The video continued playing showing the girl and Peter as Spider-Man standing on top of the building looking out at the people. "Looks like Spider-Man has a new friend. This mysterious girl saved a approximately 50 people from a burning apartment building here in Queens. She is know being know as water woman." The video stopped.

Peter didn't know what to say. "I'm having Cap look for the girl now."

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