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During wood shop Zaylee couldn't help but feel like she was being watched. She looked up from he work and saw Peter looking at her. She immediately started to blush. Zaylee thought Peter was really cute. It would be a big shock if he didn't have a girlfriend already.

During wood shop Zaylee decided to make a jewelry box. As she worked out of the corner of her eye she saw a girl walk up to her. "Hey." She said. "Hi." Zaylee said back awkwardly. "I'm Michelle." She smiled. "Hey I'm-" "Zaylee I know. Liz has been nonstop talking about you." Zay laughed at that.

The rest of the hour Michelle worked on her project next to Zaylee. The girls didn't really talk, like at all. But that's just how they both were. When the bell rang the girls walked away saying goodbye.

The rest of the day went way too slow for zaylees liking. When the school bell finally rang she ran out of the school. She found her bike and started to ride to the grocery store. As she was riding away from the school she saw Peter run away into an alley.

Zaylee rode her bike to the store. When she made it she went in back to change into her work uniform. When she was done she went to her spot at the counter.

There were no costumers in the store today. Zaylee was bored out of her mind. So she turned on the small tv in the corner of the store. The news was on and they were talking about Spider-Man. It showed a video of him climbing walls and shooting webs. But the things that really stood out were when he helped people. That's what Zaylee wanted to do. She wanted to use her powers to help people.

The bell on the door ringing cut Zaylee out of her thoughts. She looked towards the door and there was May. "Hi Zaylee. I didn't expect to see you behind the counter. May said when she noticed the young girl. "Yah well I applied and got the job." She smiled. The two talked for a while until May left with her groceries. Even thought they had only just met Zaylee loved that women.

Once Zaylees shift was done she walked to a second hand store to buy some clothes. She was still stuck on the Spider-Man thing. If he could help people so could she. So Zaylee walked around the store looking for something she could wear.

Zaylee found a blue cropped adidas sweatshirt, grey leggings, a blue bandanna to go over her nose and mouth and a white mask that covered around her eyes. She bought the items with the little money she had then rode her bike back home.

When Zaylee was about to turn into an alley on her way home she heard commotion. In less then a minute she changed into her outfit and ran over to where the commotion was. She looked around the corner and saw a man with a gun pointed at an old women. "Give me the purse!" He yelled. She cried as she handed it over. The man turned and ran.

Zaylee used her powers to make a ramp of ice that moved her in front of the man. He stopped in his tracked and pointed the gun at Zaylee. "Well that isn't very nice." She said and froze his hand with the gun in it. He looked at his and shocked the tried to turn to run. But Zaylee shot more ice out of her hand stopping him in his tracks. "Now give me the purse." She said and stuck her hand out.

But before the man could hand her the purse a web grabbed onto it and pulled it out of his hands. She looks up and saw the one and only Spider-Man doing a flip over the two with the purse in his hand. He landed in front of the old woman. "Here miss." He said handing her the purse. That should be me Zaylee thought.

She groaned and started to skate away on her ice magic. "Hey wait up." She heard someone yell behind her. She turned around and there she saw Spider-Man swinging along on his webs to get to her. If it were anyone else that had seen Spider-Man they would have been happy and fangirling. But Zaylee wasn't that type.

"I had it under control spider boy." She said once her landed infront of her. "Spider boy? I'm Spider-Man." He said. Zaylee rolled her eyes. "You sound like a boy to me." She turned to leave but Spider-Man put his hand on her shoulder. "Wait. Who are you?" He asked. "No one that concerns you." She said taking his hand off of her.

"But you have powers. I need to make sure your not making any trouble." Peter said under the Spider-Man mask. He made that up. He just wanted to know who the girl under the hood was. "As you just saw I was trying to help that woman. Now I have to go. Bye spider boy." She waved and made what looked like a ramp of ice. She then skated across it and left Peter. "It was nice meeting you." Peter yelled after the girl. Little did either of them know they had already met.

Peter used his web slingers and swung to the top of a building and quickly pulled out his phone. "Happy hogan speaking." He heard. "Happy it's me Peter I need to speak to Mr. Stark right now." Peter rushed. "Ok calm down kid. Just tell me, Mr. stark is a busy man."

"There's a girl here who has powers. She can shoot ice out of her hands and I think she can do more then just that." Happy was silent for a few seconds before he spoke. "I'll have a car come pick you up." He said then hung up.

A few minutes later a car pulled up in front of the building Peter was sitting on. Peter hopped down off the building and jumped in the car. The car drove him to stark tower. When he got there Happy was waiting at the door. "Come on kid. Take the mask off let's go." He ushered Peter inside as he took off his Spider-Man mask. "Mr. Stark is this way kid hurry up." Happy rushed Peter.

A few moments later they stood infront of the door leading to Mr. Starks office. Happy knocked and a quiet "come in" was heard. Happy opened the door and said "the kid has something important to tell you." He then pushed Peter inside and closed the door. "Peter what are you doing here?" Tony asked confused. "Like Happy said, I have something to tell you." "Well spit it out then."

Peter hesitated but spoke. "There's a girl in Queens that has powers. She shot ice out of her hands. But I think she can do more. She could be a possible threat or friend. But she seemed nice." He rapidly said. Stark stood there for a second taking in all the information he had just heard. "Thank you for telling me Kid." He said and motioned for Peter to leave. "Wait Mr. Stark what are you going to do?" He asked.

"I'm going to have people watch her. See if she is a threat. If she is not I'm going to see if she could be of use to us. You Peter need to stay away from her. Don't get into anything over your head." When Tony finished Peter nodded then left his office.

On the car ride home the only thing on Peters mind was who was that girl, and why did she seem so familiar?

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