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Zaylees science test went well. She ended up getting 99%. Those many hours at the library did her well. Throughout the whole day Zaylee stayed away from Peter. She somehow managed to stay away from him during science even though they're partners.

It was now the weekend and Zaylees aunt was taking her and Liz on a little trip. They were going to look around town. They tried to get tickets for the ferry but they were too expensive.

Zaylee got a text from Liz saying that they were at Starbucks ready to pick her up. Zaylee didn't want them to see where she lived so she told them a Starbucks close to her apartment. Zaylee walked into the Starbucks to find her aunt and cousin sitting at a table with large coffees sitting in front of them.

"There She is!" Mrs Allen said when she noticed Zaylee. She stood from her seat and gave Zaylee a hug. "Ready to go?" She asked. Zaylee smiles and nodded before they all walked out of the coffee shop. After piling into the small car the girls were on their way. 

"So what should we do first?" Mrs. Allen asked as they walked around the city. "Let's get some lunch. I'm starving." Liz said as she looked around at the buildings. Zaylee nodded in agreement. The past week had been stressful and full of challenges. Today all she wanted was to relax and get her mind off of how dumb Peter had been. She wanted to forget all about his stupid decisions over the weekend. Even though Zaylee wanted today to be as stress less as possible she still had her 'superhero' outfit just in case.

"We should go somewhere with burritos. I have been craving one for ages." Zaylee said as they started walking around to look for somewhere to eat. "Why don't you just ask your dad to make it for dinner one night?" Liz asked. Zaylees breath caught in her throat. She didn't know what to say. Her dad hadn't cooked since her mom died. Zaylees mom died when she was only a few years old. 

After Zaylee's birth her mother never fully recovered. Eventually it took her life. Zaylee didn't know exactly what happened because her dad never told her.  From old pictures Zaylee had seen she knew that she looked a lot like her mother. She looked almost nothing like her dad, which she was thankful for but also hated. She hated her father because he blamed her for his wife's death. Because she looked so much like his wife he beat Zaylee more because she was just a reminder of his dead wife. Zaylee liked how she at least had one thing to connect her to her mother. 

Liz and her family didn't have a clue about what her father did to her or what he was like behind closed doors. She planned to keep it that way. If they knew they would tell the police and Zaylee would be put into foster care and she didn't want that. 

"Oh he's been really busy lately with the new job and all so I have been cooking most of the meals. I guess I just don't feel like making them." Zaylee lied. She didn't lie about making dinner. It was just most nights she didn't eat unless she made something and put it in her room before her father got home from work. 

"How is his new job. We haven't gotten to see much of Jim have we." The only time they had seen her father was when they invited them to dinner the day they had gotten to New York. "Oh he likes it." She said as she twiddled her fingers, a nervous habit. "Just busy." She smiled. 

After a bit the girls were finally able to find a restaurant that had all the food that they liked. Zaylee was able to get her burrito while Liz and her mother both got salads. Zaylees meal came with chips that she got in a to go box and put in her backpack. She wanted to make sure she had food for when she got home. 

Once the large lunch was completed they walked around the town going into all of the little shops. Liz insisted that Zaylee look for a homecoming dress, but Zaylee didn't want to go. Eventually Liz talked her into letting her buy her one. Zaylee made sure she knew that this didn't mean that she was going to the dance. 

The dress she bought was navy blue. The top was a V neck with thin straps. The bottom of the dress went down to right above her knees and puffed out a very small amount. On the sides of the dress were pockets that couldn't be seen unless you pulled at them. The dress hugged her curves and made them look more defined.

Nearing 5 o'clock both the girl had their dresses and were now just walking around and watching the ferry on the water. "Hey. Look at the ship." Liz said. Zaylee did and was shocked at what she saw. Above the ship was a man with wings and hanging by what looked like a string was Spider-Man. "Is that who I think it is?" Liz asked and Zaylee nodded. "I'll be back." Zaylee said and pushed through the newly formed crowd to the nearest bathroom. In record time she changed out of her clothes into her 'superhero' outfit. She had lost the mask and now only had the bandanna and hoodie to keep her identity secret. 

Zaylee sprinted out of the bathroom and straight towards the water. People gasped as the held out her hands and jumped onto the water. The water under her feet was turning into ice that she was skating across to the now spiting in half ship. "How the hell did that happen?" she said under her breath as she got closer to the ship. 

The teen aimed her arms up which made a ramp of ice that she could skate up and onto the boat. Once on it she looked through all the chaos for Spider-Man to ask what she should do. She saw him swinging in the middle of the ship connecting all of the main parts of the ship wit his webs. Zaylee didn't know how strong his webs were, so she sprinted through all the screaming people to the lower deck at the ship started to sink. 

Once she was at eh bottom she saw cars being pushed around by water. She looked up and saw the boy in the middle of the ship straining to hold the ship together with his webs as they were all breaking. Quickly without thinking Zaylee started to freeze all of the water inside the bottom of the ship and used the water around it to push the two sides together. 

She felt the strain her power was taking on her body but pushed the pain to the back of her mind. Zay looked up to see how the spider boy was doing but it seemed as he wasn't doing anything anymore because when she looked up he was looking right at her. Their eyes met for a few seconds before Zaylee continued to focus on the task at hand. 

Zaylees strength was being drained and she wouldn't be able to hold the ship together for much longer as the water and weight of the ship was making her ice break. Since her power wasn't as strong as when she started the strength of her control on the water around the ship was weakening. "Go water women!" She heard someone yell. Once again zaylee looked up to see everyone on the ship watching her. For a little bit their she felt good about herself and she was proud that she was saving these peoples lives. 

"Look! Iron Man!" She heard the same person yell. Looking to her right she saw Iron man holding up the ship with a bunch of drone looking machines. Zaylee stopped her hold on the water as he pushed the two halves of the ship together. The girl then sped to the top of the boat despite how drained she was. At the top of the ship she watched as Iron Man melted the two sides together. It was good he got there when he did because She didn't know how much longer she could hold it.

At the very top of the ship she saw saw Spider-Man. He seemed to be talking to Iron Man. Well more like yelling towards him. Zaylee was surprised when she saw the two look back at her standing under them. Iron Man flew down and landed in front of her. Zalyee took a few steps back, confused as to why he wanted to talk to her. 

"Thanks kid." he said to Zaylees surprise. "I owe you one." He said and she shrugged. Before he flew off he said something that surprised her even more then this whole encounter had already. "We'll be meeting again soon." he said then started flying towards land before she could ask him what he meant. 


This chapter was quickly written and not edited...sorry

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