Ace x Reader- Beg!

44 2 0

Warnings- Lemon, Cussing, High-school AU, Angst, Forced, Rape.
Reader Insert
Y/N= Your Name
H/L and H/C= Hair Length and Hair Color
E/C= Eye Color
S/C= Skin Color
D/C= Dress Color

I'm outside enjoying lunch with my girls, Nami, Vivi and Rebecca, on a nice warm day, when suddenly my peace is ruined.

With a sharp glare, I glance over at the next table, and spy the object of my annoyance.

Portgas D. Ace

With a grumble I turn back to my food, trying to ignore the annoying idiot.

I hear a giggle and look at Nami, "What the hell are you giggling about?" I inquire.

"Oh..." she drawls out, then continues with "Your little crush on Ace."

"I do not have a crush on that idiot!" I hiss, adding shyly, "You know who I like."

Glancing back at the table I spy Sabo, Ace's twin.

Sabo notices me looking, and starts to make his way over to us girls.

My S/C cheeks light up with a blush and I furiously try to cover them with my H/L H/C hair.

With a big grin Sabo plops down beside me and greets us with, "Hey girls! How ya doin?"

The other three greet him back, and say they are all good. They ask him how he is and he replies the same.

Seeing as I'm the only one who didn't answer back Sabo looks at me a bit worriedly, and asks, "You okay Y/N?"

Finally finding my voice I sputter out, "I-I'm fine! Hi Sabo! How are you doing?" In one giant rush.

Sabo looks at me strangely for a second, rapidly blinking, before starting to chuckle at me.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking Y/N!" He replies with kind smile.

Making my damn cheeks light up even more!

Turning back to address all of us Sabo stats, "I actually came over to ask you ladies if your free tomorrow night? We're having a party and your all invited!"

All four of us say that we are free tomorrow night, and Nami asks what time the party starts. Sabo replies seven.

As he gets up to leave, Sabo looks at me and slyly says, "Can't wait to see you tomorrow night Y/N." With a wink. He then turns his back to us, and heads back to hangout with the boys.

Watching him leave Vivi let's out a low whistle and says, "Wow! That Sabo sure is slick!" I can see why you like him, Y/N!"

Vivi turns toward me and suddenly gasps, "Y/N are you all right?!" That makes Nami and Rebecca look at me. I'm sitting there, head on the table and my soul flying above my head. He had killed me with his hotness! I need resuscitation!

Thankfully I had been fully revived in time for the party the next night. Nami insisted I wear something sexy. So she rifled through her closet, and came out with the most risqué dress I have ever worn! It's a tube top dress that verily covers my crouch! It's a very pretty D/C that accentuates my S/C, E/C and H/C!

She does my make up too. The eyes are a nice soft smoky cat eye. A little light blush and a pop of red lipstick. She gives me a pair of pho diamond earrings to wear. Shes got a real pair, but she explains that while she loves me, she doesn't love me enough to let me borrow them! Leaving my neck and wrists bare.

Finishing my look she gives my H/C, H/L a little curl and leaves it hanging down. Lastly she finishes off my look with a pair of silver strappy high heels!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2019 ⏰

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