Marco x Reader- Pretty Girl!

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Reader Insert
Warnings- Lemon, Age Gap, Cussing. 
Thoughts italicized
Your Name is Chikyū Okami. You don't remember your real name, so this one was given to you.
H/L= Hair Length H/C= Hair Color
T/W/N= Thatch's wife's name
A/G/N=Ace's girlfriends name
Pretty Girl and Little Wolf are your nicknames

A strip of light hits my face waking me from my slumber. I wake with a groan and a stretch, I look around and it takes me a moment to remember where I am, it's been a month since I've joined The Whitebeard Pirates crew. It's a bit of a weird atmosphere but I'm getting used to it. I rise from my bed and go to take a shower, the two unmarried girls of the crew A/G/N and I share a room and we have our own private bathroom. I quickly shower and get dressed, I put on a pair of faded blue jean shorts, with a black belt, a black tank top, my finger-less black gloves, thigh length black socks and knee length black boots. Leaving my H/L, H/c falling free, I walk out of my room and into the daily noise of The Whitebeard Crew.

I feel a whoosh of air and see a streak of black, and then I hear, "Ace get back here!" I then see Thatch running my way yelling after the raven haired pirate.

Ace stops on the other side of me and mocks Thatch, "Your slow old man!"

"Damn you kid." Thatch huffs out.

I turn to Thatch and ask, "What did he do now Thatch?"

"Ah! Chikyū that's mean to assume I did something!" Ace whines.

"You did, didn't you?" I ask Ace.

"Yes, he started eating before breakfast is fully ready!" Thatch replies.

"Ace!" I turn to scold Ace when I realize "He's asleep!"

"Damn kid, he sure does know how to get out of a scolding." Thatch mumbles walking back to the kitchen.

I just chuckle and walk further onto the deck. I get to the middle of the deck raise my arms above my head breathe in a big gulp of air and stretch. From above me out of the crow's nest I hear, "Morning Little Wolf."

I look up and Marco flips over the side of the crows nest and falls down next to me.

Marco has two nicknames for me, Sukoshi Okami (Little Wolf), and Pretty Girl. Both equally embarrassing.

"Morning Marco." I reply blushing a bit. I can't help it since I've joined the crew I've had the biggest crush on Marco, it might have to do with the fact that he is the one that saved me, but ya know.

I can't remember much of my past, or maybe it's more like I don't want to. As far back as I can remember there is nothing but darkness and pain. For a while I was a slave, then a maid to a very cruel man, finally I was given to a group as a test subject. My captures fed me the Dōbutsu Dōbutsu no Mi, Moderu: Dosei no Konikurashī Okami (Animal Animal Fruit, Model: Earthen Dire Wolf) it is a Ancient Zoan. My fruit allows me to control the element earth, plus the ability to heal. Not just myself, but others as well. Lastly I can transform into a big back wolf, with green flowery markings on my forehead and cheeks.

My captures fed me the fruit because they wanted to do experiments on devil fruit users. What kind of experiments, I can't even remember it's all a black haze of pain and fear. I spent most of my time in my wolf form because that was the way my captors liked it.

I don't know why The Whitebeard pirates decided to take over the island I was on, but thankfully they did.

When I am in animal form I can talk to other animals, the people that had me had many other animals testing different things on them. The day I was saved I heard down the grape vine that there where strange men in the warehouse, I was not sure if I should be scared or not, but I found out soon enough.

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