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The cast and Brian, Roger and Celeste sat anxiously waiting for Rami's category winner to be announced

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The cast and Brian, Roger and Celeste sat anxiously waiting for Rami's category winner to be announced.

"And the winner for Actor in Drama Motion picture is..."

"Rami Malek!"

The table erupted in cheers as well as the crowd.

"You did it," gleamed Perrie tightly hugging her friend.

"Thank you daring," he smiled back kissing her cheek.

After Rami made his speech and was now sat at the table, Perrie was extremely nervous.

"Oh my god I'm shitting bricks," Perrie laughed.

"Classy woman," laughed Joe

"Ha Ha man stealer,"

"Your only Jealous because he loves me more,"

"Go suck off cardboard Ben,"

The table laughed at the pair as the speakers rang out that the show was about to resume.

"The nominations for Actress in Drama motion picture are, Glenn Close, Lady Gaga, Melissa McCarthy, Rosamund Pike, Nicole Kidman and Perrie Taylor"

Over moments of silence,

"The winner for Actress in Drama motion picture is.....Perrie Taylor for Bohemian Rhapsody,"

Covering her mouth, in the shock the table and crowd around her clapped for her.

"Well done sweetheart," said Roger hugging his daughter

"Congratulations baby," squealed Celeste

As she hugged each of her friends they congratulated her finally once she got to Ben he wrapped his arms around her and squeezed tightly.

"God I love you," he smiled kissing her "now go get your award," he laughed.

Approaching the stage her heart began to beat faster, the crowd continued to cheer until she accepted her award.

"Oh my god. I can't believe it," she smiled, tears running down her face, smiling at the award "woah, I uh.. I want to thank Queen for all the work they put into the music industry making it what it is today, my parents and siblings for pushing me to my limits. The girls for being so incredibly supportive and loving, the cast for being so bloody amazing and they all deserve to be up here right now and lastly Ben who's put every ounce of love he's got into the world and made mine so much brighter. Thank you,"

The crowd cheered again.

Once Perrie had made it back to the table the cast, Ben, her parents and Brian engulfed her in a hug.

Rami placed his hands on her shoulders, smiling, "we did it."


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