bebe's anger

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this update is specially  for my cutie pie aanya_mishra 

avni comes to the guest room along with the lady , as soon as the lady leaves the room , avni rushes to washroom and cries her heart out 

avni  : now bebe too hates me , god plse help me in getting my neil back , i know i have hurted him a lot , i shouldnt have done that , but u know na , i was just scared that he might leave me like my pap-- , like ashish mehta left me (crying clutching her knees to her chest )

after sometime avni comes out getting cleaned , she lies on bed and starts thinking about the last 24 hours and dozes into sleep 

meanwhile bebe goes to neil and sees him sleeping and his cheeks are stained with tears , her heart breaks seeing him like this 

bebe pov : i dont know what mistake u did avni but i wont forgive u until my tillu forgives u , i know u love him a lot but that doesnt mean that u will hurt him , i am so angry at u avni and i will not let tillu get hurt again , i will not allow u near my tillu until he wants (caressing his head )

avni wakes up at 10 am and gets shocked seeing the time 

avni pov : god !! what did i do ? i am sure now bebe will never like me in this life 

she quickly gets ready and goes down 

avni : aunty 

lady : good morning avni beta , everyone are in the hall 

avni : ok aunty thank u 

avni goes to hall and heart beats faster than usual 

avni pov : god avni u r not going into any lions den , this is ur family stupid , dont get scared 

she sees neil doing something on his mobile , he did not see her yet , her eyes are filled with tears now , she tires to go to him but stops hearing bebe's voice 

bebe : finally u woke up ?(with stern tone )

neil now look at avni and gets shocked seeing her , he clenches his fists seeing her 

neil : avniiii 

avni looks at neil who is now raging with anger 

avni : neilll 

neil drags her to his room and closes the door 

he holds her by shoulders making his grip tight he yells at her 

neil : what r u doing here avni ? dont u want me to stay peacefully ?

avni : nei--lll i---a--m sor---ry (sobbing ) 

neil jerks her away  

neil : get the hell out of here right now 

avni nods her head in no 

avni : never , i will not go without u 

neil gets very much angry 

neil : avni get out before i lose my control 

avni : its ok neil lose ur control , slap me as many times u want , punish me , but plse plse come to me , u r my home neil 

neil chuckles sarcastically 

neil : home?? thats y u left me right ?

avni : neil i know i did wrong but i i-- wa--s scar--ed th-a-a-t 

neil makes her stop by showing his palm and throws her out of his room 

neil : i dont want to listen to u anymore , if u dont want to leave ur wish because i am not going to care a damn for u 

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