are u jealous ??

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avneil have a long eye lock , they r drown into each others eyes and were not willing to move away from each others arms 

neil slowly leans close to her face , his breathe is fanning her face and vice versa , their heartbeats were getting faster each second due to their proximity , neil was inch far from her lips, he was about to kiss her but vidyuth enters in 

vid : oh ho sry sry sry u guys continue i am sry i came to check on neil , i didnt know that he was busy 

avneil moved away from each other , avni does her work quietly not facing neil and neil glares at vid

vid : what ?? stop giving that look , its not my mistake , u people have a room and how would i know that u were romancing with babhi and that too in the kitchen  haan ?

not able to say anything and being very much embarrassed he grabs vidyuth out side the kitchen 

after taking him out of kitchen neil glares at vidyuth as if he is going to kill him right now 

neil : u know what vid i swear i will kill u now 

saying this he runs behind vid 

vid (while running ): plse save me , plse save me anyone , arey neil what did i di , how would i know that u people were 

neil : stop u idiot , dont make me more embarrass 

they both stop running and vid laughs at neil while neil glares at him 

vid : u love her so much right ?

neil gives a how do u know look 

vid : come on yaar stop giving me that look , i know u love her so much and she too does 

neil : and how can u say that she too loves me 

vid : got u , so u r accepting that u love her 

neil : hh haan , i do accept that , when did i say that i dont love her , now say how do u know she loves me back 

vid : i can see it in her eyes , the same love which i saw in ur eyes for her 

neil : really ??

vid : yes stupid , she loves u 

neil : i hope u r right 

vid : i am , now do be late and go confess ur love to her 

neil nods and hugs vid 

vid : all the best bro and if she says no u tell me , i will try 

neil glares at him and punches in his stomach 

neil : dont u dare she is my wife and she is only mine 

vid : hmm yeah i know she is only urs now go 

meanwhile avni prepares juice and takes it to the girl who is in mithali's room 

avni : here have the juice 

avni smiles at her but she gives whatever look , mithali comes back 

girl : oh god mithali y did u take so much time ? 

mithali : ali wanted me to come for shopping so we talked about it 

girl : whatever come we will go to our friends , till now i did not meet him 

mithali : riya u leave i have some work 

riya : ok ur wish anyhow i have to meet him , its been many days since i saw him 

mithali smirks seeing riya

mithali pov : poor girl is still in her dreams dont know what she will do when she will get to know that

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