i love u

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happy happy happy birthday my dear cutiepie  

cherish every second of this day , enjoy every moment of ur life and always keep smiling , wishing u all the love ur heart can hold , all the joy u can hold in a day  and last but not the least wishing u a memorable birthday with so many wonderful surprises , happiest birthday to my dearest cutie-pie 

this is for u my dear i hope u will like it , love u a lot 

neil goes to swetha and tells her about his trip , she gets sad and asks him not to go but he convinces her and she agrees after few minutes of argument 

while going back to his room he finds vid sitting alone in the garden area , he goes near him and places his hand on his shoulder 

neil : vid!!!

vid wipes his tears away 

neil : what happened vid ? u ok ? y r u crying ?

vid : hey no buddy y will i cry ? r u mad? something went into my eyes thats it 

neil : i am not a fool vid , now tell me what happened ?

vid : nothing serious bro i am just missing my mom thats it 

neil : vid look into my eyes and say that 

vid hugs neil tightly and starts crying making neil worry 

vid : neil i dont know what to do , i love her so much 

neil breaks the hug and wipes vid tears 

neil : god !! vid u made me worried , so love eh?

vid nods his head 

neil : did u tell her ?

vid : no 

neil : then go tell her man , y r u crying like a girl here , just go and tell ur feelings 

vid : no  i cannot tell her , i think its late now   

neil : y ? what happened? is she taken ?

vid : no she is not taken but she loves someone else who is already married and she is not ready to move on  

neil :what ? is she mad ? how can she love a married man ? 

vid : yeah she is , she think he did this marriage by force and thinks that he doesnt love his wife 

neil : does he love his wife ?

vid : do u love ur wife ?

neil : yes r u mad , she is my life now , i love her to the moon and back , i dont even have words to describe my love for my avni , but wait y r u asking me ? wait who is that girl whom u love ?

vid : juhi 

neil : what ??!!1(shocked)

neil : what the f___? u love juhi , god!!!

vid : yes neil i love her a lot but that stupid is madly obsessed with u 

neil : god she is freaking crazy , she is really stupid 

vid glares neil 

neil : sry but she is really mad and freaking annoying 

vid : yeah i know no need of sry , but tell me what to do 

neil : what should i tell , go and express ur feeling man 

vid : before that she should believe that u really love avni 

neil : yeah u r right , dont worry bro i am not going to be a hurdle in ur love i will clear her mind today itself 

vid : what r u going to do ?

neil : just wait and watch 

saying this neil goes to his room , he drags avni out of the room and calls everyone in the home and all gather in the hall 

swetha : neil what happened ? 

neil looks at avni and holds her hand

neil : avni i just want you and everyone to know that you r my everything and i want u to hide in my heart forever and i promise to hold ur hand forever no matter what happens  , i would go crazy with out u because i love u , i love u like crazy  and i dont need whole world to love me , i just need one person to love me and i am proud to say that one person i want to love me  is u , only u , i love u avni , i love u a lot , plse tell me will u grow older with me ?

avni's eyes are filled with tears by now , her happiness has no limitations , she is very very happy and there r no words to describe how much happy she is right now , she hugs neil tightly nodding her head in a yes 

everyone claps for them but juhi's eyes r filled with tears and she left to her room , vid sees her leaving and follows her 

swetha : wah tillu , i loooved it , i am very happy for u both 

neela's eyes r also filled with tears and hugs avni 

neela : bacha i am very happy for u both , finally u got the love u deserve 

after few minutes everyone disperse to their room leaving  young people alone

mithali : but neil what made u propose her at this time and that too infront of all of us ?

neil : hmm  i just want everyone to know how much she means to me so that no one ever dares to mess up with her 

mithali : wow neil i never thought u will be this much possessive , i love u neil , i am very happy for u 

saying this she hugs neil , avni just admires him all the time 

ali : wah neil wah , i am proud of u , finally u listened to me and did as it is what i taught u 

neil and avni widened their eyes 

avni : what ?? did he taught u how to propose me ? so the words r not from ur heart ?

neil : arey noo avni , i did not learn anything , what ever i said is right from my heart  , i did not prepare for it 

avni just looks at him angrily 

neil : aliiiiii!!!!

ali : what ??

neil : now tell her the truth 

ali : ok fine i dont even know that he is going to tell u his feeling , i was just kidding 

mithali smaks his shoulder 

mithali : stupid unnecessarily u spoiled their moment 

ali : yeah i am sry for being an idiot 

neil : u should be and u (turning towards avni) ok now ? i really told u what ever is there in my heart 

avni hugs him and murmurs sry , neil smiles and hugs her back holding her tightly 

I hope confession went well plse do comment about how this update was and once again happy birthday dear Innocent_soul101
Love u all

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