Flashback 6 years ago...

Elijah finished her training for the today. In the past five years she's learned 13 different fighting styles, and quickly mastered them all. Not only that but she's been in gymnastics for three years, and has moved up faster than anyone else in any of the classes. Also in the past year she's taken up dancing, soccer, and rock climbing. She loves physical activities, and she feels that it makes her a better fighter. Besides these things allow her to keep busy while she not at school, and if her mother isn't home. Even if her mother was home, she'd never really get to see her. 

She ran back into the locker room, and changed out of her workout clothes and into her normal ones. She put her things into her bag, and made her way out of the room. She was going to be late, and if she wasn't going to be she needed to be fast. So she ran through the levels of the Helicarrier, and passed many agents. Everyone smiled when she passed them, they all think that she's the sweetest, nicest girl. They all think that Natasha is a very lucky mom to have such a gifted and sweet child. 

She ran to the conference room, and quickly sat in one of the seats. She's supposed to meet her mother in here, in a few minutes, but she wanted to be early. If she was late her mother would be even more upset with her, and so she ran, so that it could look like she was the one waiting for her mom. Not the other way around. A few minutes later her mother came into the room, but scowled at the way her daughter was sitting. She has her feet placed on another chair, and wasn't looking up at the door. 

"Elijah," she stated firmly.

Elijah's head snapped up, and a slight smile appeared on her face. She got up from her chair, and slung her bag over her shoulder, "Hi, mom."

Natasha's face remained in a scowl as she motioned for her daughter to follow her, "Come on, Fury wants to talk to you. We'll leave after that."

Elijah doesn't respond she just follows her mother to a different level, and all the way to Fury's office. When she gets there , inside the room is Maria, and Fury. Elijah placed her bag on the floor, and silently took the seat that Fury motioned her to. Natasha left the room not really caring what was about to happen, and told her daughter that she'd be waiting at the car. When the door closed Elijah turned her attention to Director Fury. He gave her a slight smile before his face hardened, signaling that he was getting down to business.

"Elijah, Maria brought it to my attention to how your training has been going. I feel as if your training has gone exceptionally well, and I believe we can move up to the next level."

"What would the next step be?"

"We can start you on SHIELD training. Which means we will start to train you to be an agent, just like your mother. Probably even better than your mother."

A large smile grew onto her face, and she didn't care that she was supposed to be professional she just couldn't hold it in. She's SO HAPPY! "I can become an agent? I can go on missions?"

"Yes, do you accept?"

"Yes I do, sir."

"Good, your additional training will start next week. You may go."

"Thank you so much, sir."

Elijah left the room smiling like a mad man. She walked through the Helicarrier, and onto the dock. She climbed into the car, smiling. Yet her mother didn't say anything, she ignored the happy look on her daughter's face, and drove off to their apartment. To Elijah it was like she didn't care that her daughter got the best news in the whole world, that she didn't care that her daughter was doing something she loves. In the silence, Elijah started thinking how proud she's going to make her mom. That when she can go on missions, and when she gets how Fury put it, better than her mom, how amazed she's going to be. She's finally going to make her mother be proud of her, and make her want to have a relationship with her.

Flashback 3 years ago...

Elijah's SHIELD training, had gone extremely well. In the three years she had finished her training and had gone on four official SHIELD missions. According to Fury, she's the best agent they have. She gets the most important information out of targets, she's never given up any information, she has one of the highest pain tolerances, and a high drug tolerance. Because of the missions she's gotten a few scars, but the worst one was on the last mission she was assigned to. She went to assess a strange situation, an O-8-4. When she had gotten there, she had to apprehend some crazy alien that was on some kind of drug that made him want to eat anything and everything in it's path. It was a strange drug, but it really did cause the alien to eat anything and everything it came across, including tree bark, squirrels, leaves, etc. The alien ended up using his claws to fight and end up eating her, and he ended up scratching her badly. She had to call for back-up, which she doesn't mind using, but didn't use often, and she had to stay in the infirmary for over a week. 

When she got home her mom didn't even know that she was gone, or even care that her daughter had almost died because of her injuries.

It caused her to realize that she shouldn't care what her mother thinks of her. Elijah decided that nothing is going to stop her from being an agent, the best agent, a better than her mom. She's going to prove herself, and make her mother realize what she missed out on in not caring about her daughter.

A/N: This chapter is the first to be edited. I did not change a lot, most of it is similar, but there are some subtle changes. When I have updated any of the chapters I will add a * at the end of the title to show that it has been edited to what I want. Thank you, and enjoy!

Interdimensional Romanoff (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now