Chapter 11: The Sun The Moon The Truth

Start from the beginning

Malia runs out of the bathroom an grabs a pillow "Got it"

"Yeah that works too" Stiles says

We walked down the stairs an turn towards the kitchen there was Liam. I go up to him an hug him ever so tightly

I hear Stiles groan "Oh Liam go home your not coming with us" He says

"Why not" Liam complains letting me go

"Because tonight's a full moon an I don't feel like driving all the way down to Mexico to get my throat out" Stiles says

"Can't you just lock me up with chains in the back or something" Liam asks

"You tore through the last chains last time remember" I remind him

"An do get you to Mexico we'd have to freeze you in carbonite" Stiles says

"Okay then were do we get carbonite" Liam says slightly confused

Malian looks at Stiles then back at Liam

Stiles says with a weird look on his face "Seriously, you haven't seen it either" Stiles an Malia turn to face the door

"Wait can't you just lock him in the trunk" I protest an Liam nods in agreement

"He'd get out of that too" Malia says

"Liam you've been a were wolf for all of 5 minutes you don't have to do this" Stiles says

Liam shakes his head "I know I don't but I want to, there has to be bigger chains or a bigger trunk, there has to be something" Liam's perfectly blue/greenish eyes widen

"Maybe there is" Stiles gets an idea


We go to a ware house an meet up with Peter, Derek, an Braeden. Peter shows up in a truck Braeden an Derek in a Military transporting van, an us in Stiles beat up jeep.

"How'd you get a prison transport van" Stiles asks

Braeden with a smug look on her face "I'm a U.S. Marshal"

"Yeah but I thought that was just a cover" Stiles says confused

Derek finally gets out the van an points to Liam "Were really bringing him" he asks

I jump to Liam's defense an point to Peter "Were really bringing him"

"We're bringing everyone we can, an considering Scott an Kira were talking the night of the full moon we should probably get going" Peter says an I just wanna punch that look right off his use to be burnt face

"Whats that mean" Malia asks

"If Kate took Scott back to the same temple she took Derek how do we know if she's planning to do the same thing to him" Peter says I can sense he's up to no good as always

"She wants to make him younger" Liam says in disbelief

"Or take him back to when he wasn't a were wolf" Derek suggests

"A were wolf can't steal a true alphas power" Peter explains "But maybe a were jaguar with the power maybe she can. If everyone isn't officially freaked out I say we should get going"

Why is Peter so eager to get to Mexico, when has he ever cared about Scott an Kira. I decide to keep the comment to my self

"We can't!" Stiles says "Not without Lydia"

Stiles call her over an over

"Whats she doing at the school anyway" Derek asks

"We got her sword now we need something with a strong sent. Lydia went to get a jacket out of her locker" Malia says holding up Kira's katana

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