Chapter 6: First Date & Supernatural Diseases

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Yesterday was one of the worst days of my life. I found out my parents were killed in an "Accident". An the person I might be in love with was kidnapped an almost killed by a teenage assassin!!! On the bright side we un cracked the final part of the dead pool which had Malias real name Malia Hale an had Liam on it. Hopefully today will go well it's my first official date with Liam! EEEKKK!! I'm so excited, I hope nothing ruins it. I begin to get ready. I put a blue strapless dress on an some black heels. I also curl my hair an but a little make up on an I was ready. The door bell rang an Liam had arrived. Since neither of us had a car an Lydia wasn't taking the S.A.T's because she took them freshman year she was driving us to some restaurant she picked out. I'm glad she was there I honestly had no clue what to do for a date, anyways let's get back to Liam arriving.

L- Wow just wow, you look amazing

*I blush*

C- Thanks, you look really nice too

L- We should go get in the car, Lydia's probably waiting.

*We walk to the car while Liam wraps his arm around me. We get in the back of Lydia's car. It's a pretty quiet ride but I can't keep my leg from shaking like always I have a feel like something bad is gonna happen. I try thinking of anything else besides the many ways this date could go wrong or get ruined. But luckily Liam grabs my hand because he notices I was shaking. I look at him an smile. This is the happiest I've been since my brother died.*

C- Where are we going

Lydia- A restaurant that I forgot the name of an were almost there

L- Um okay

C- Thanks so when will you be picking us up

Lydia- Just give me a call whenever is fine with me

*I nod an were finally there it looks like a pretty fancy restaurant. Glad I'm not dressed in my usual skinny jeans, graphic tees, and converses or vans. Of course Lydia had picked out my outfit I'm horrible with fancy stuff an all.*

Lydia- The reservation should be under my last name so you kids have fun I'll be at the lake house trying to figure out some stuff of my own if you need me

C- k thanks again for the ride an all

L- Yah

Lydia- It's better then what I've been doing, but your welcome I enjoy helping relationships

C- See ya later

*We go inside an get situated at our table*

L- Are you okay lately you've been a little jittery more then usual.

*I let out a small laugh*

C- I've been having panick attacks lately ever since you went missing. It's stupid I know

L- It's not stupid

C- It's just I'm uh done losing people who mean a lot to me I've lost all my family an I can't lose you

L- You're not going to lose me I will always be here for you, okay I'll never leave you by choice

C- Good

*We order our food an stuff*

L- I really like you, Crys

C- I really like you too

L- Good

*We both laugh*

C- So what got you into lacrosse

L- My stepdad made team captain at the high school junior year an he thought it would be a good idea with my anger an all

C- cool

Another Love Story ||Liam Dunbar|| Book 1||Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora