Chapter 2: Lacrosse an a Eventful Trip to The Hospital

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I got my lacrosse stick an headed out to the field. I look at the bleachers to noticed that Bella had actually came to watch. I don't know if she came for me or Scott, probably Scott. We all got in line to take some shots in the goal. Everyone was doing good then there was stiles he threw the ball straight into the goalies lacrosse stick. Liam of course was doing a amazing an making every shot. I couple people go then it's Scott's turn. Before practice Scott an I bonded a little over werewolf talk. Since Scott's the captain of the team I thought he'd least be uh-good. When he tried to make a shot he hit the outer rim of the goal. An I glance over to Bella and she looks disappointed but she still claps. I also

"Nice shot McCall" says Garrett an of course stiles jumps to his defense an says " Hey Garrett, shut up. With a smirk on his face. Garrett lets out a little chuckle. I've made most my shots. Coach finstock calls us since Stiles and Scott have to made any shots their guarding goal. Everyone gets in line to go, I'm last. As the first person goes Stiles and Scott make their come back an easily block him form getting a goal. They do this with the next person up to. They do what any teen age cocky boys would do an chest bump each other sending Stiles flying back an I laugh but he gets back up. Liam's up next I want him to make it but then I don't because I've come to know Stiles and Scott quiet well. Liam goes up an makes it past Stiles an Scott an all they can do is watch while Liam makes another goal.

Malia who is watching the try outs cause her an Stiles are like a thing yells " THAT WAS LUCK, DUO OVER!" Coach replies " There are no duo overs sweetheart this is practice" Kira whose sitting next to Malia tries to get her to sit down but Malia being Malia ignores her an says " 10 bucks on Scott an Stiles" an coach being coach says " Ill take that action" " Hey Liam get back in there" Liam goes up again an Stiles charges at him an misses. I'm impressed though it was a very graceful fall. An now Liam faces Scott. Scott quick kneels down an puts his shoulder into Liam an Liam completely flips of Scott an lands on his ankle an I swear I heard a crack. I run to Liam's aid an kneel next to him.

Coach yells " Stop don't touch him" an Stiles an Scott back away. I ignore coach an staright next to him. Liam with the help of Stiles an Scott gets up kinda by himself but moans because of the pain. They suggest they take him to the nurse an coach agrees. I follow Stiles and Scott not to far behind. I realize Liam is human unlike most of my friends so he can't heal like us. We get to the nurse luckily she's still here but not for long she gives him an ice pack an tells them to take him to the hospital to get x-rays. Stiles and Scott basically carry Liam to Stiles's jeep. I ask if I can come with an Stiles gives me a small smirk an says of course. We get to the hospital where Scott runs into his mom and you can tell by the look of concern she's mad an she asks us what happened an by us I mean Scott and Stiles they explain. Ms. McCall asks me to get Liam a wheel chair an I'm more then happy to while she signs Liam in.

They take him to get x-rays, Stiles said he had to leave cause he promised Malia he would help her study. Shortly after Bella comes to see Scott, I think to myself of course. I see that Liam's step dad is there but he's also his doctor. So Scott an I wait an use our werewolf super hearing to here what there saying. I feel very bad for him right now an all I want to do is run in there an give him a hug. Then Scott's phone rings an snaps me put of my trance he takes the call an by the look on his face something bad is or going to happen. Scott leaves an says he'll be right back. Bella tells me she has to get to a family dinner an she leaves.I wait outside Liam's hospital room an Liam's step dad finally leaves. I rush into the room an Liam tells me I didn't have to wait. " I wanted too" I say. I manage to get a slight grin out of him. I think it's broke he says. I say " well I think your wrong even though i knew he was right" as I look at his bruised an super swollen ankle. I grab his hand to take his pain away another plus of being a werewolf is that we can take people's pain away.

I hear a loud banging sound as tell Liam " I'm going to make sure Scott's okay." He says that's fine but I can tell he's a little disappointed. I leave but I don't feel good about it. I roam through the empty hallways looking for Scott I see Ms. McCall sitting on the floor covered in blood. I rush to her side an she tells me not to word it's not hers. I ask her where Scott his an she told me he ran towards the stairs. I run to see him standing on the roof looking at a body on the ground. Did he do it? I question but when I look at the body I see there's on incision an I know it wasn't made by claws I hear foot steps an look so she a mouth less man with a what I think is the axe I ash him if that's the famous axe murdering assassin. Scott looks like he was focused on something else because his eyes seem to drift I look towards the direction he is an I see Liam moaning on the ground clenching he's bloody arm of course my instinct is too rush to Liam's side that's exactly what I do. I ask him to let me see an he hesitates a little but let's me see. I notice that the cause of the bleeding is a bite an I look toward Scott an he knows what I was going to ask he just closes his eyes an nods. He tells me to go back inside because Stiles will be here soon an I should explain what happened to Stiles she he can explain it to his dad, the sherif.

We didn't tells sherif stilinski of Scott biting Liam but we told him about the assassin the showed up an as much as we could about what really happened. He tells us he'll get Derek to help an "shed a light on this situation." Stiles calls Scott to ask him where he took Liam. Stiles tells me they took him back to his house. " This is going to be interesting" I think to my self. We leave to go meet Scott back at his house.

"Where's Liam" asks Stiles.

"He's up stairs" says Scott.

"An what is he doing" I ask eager to know.

"Uh-laying down" he replies.

Stiles an I follow Scott unsure of what were about to see. We follow him all the way to his bath room an stop at his shower. Stiles pulls back the curtain to find Liam basically wrapped from head to toe in duck tape mumbling. Stiles an I both think oh god! Am Stiles closes the shower curtains. Stiles says "So you bit him." I begin to yell "An you kidnapped him." I hear Liam moan from the bathroom. Scott says "Okay I panicked" Let's move him out here says Stiles. They transferred him to being tied up on a chair with duct tape over his mouth. They tell him if he screams once they will put the duct tape back over his mouth.

Stiles also tells Liam "So you saw a lot of confusing things tonight am even more confusing things are going to happen because of the confusing things that happened tonight, do you understand?"

Liam "Not really"

Stiles says "okay good"

Scott sometimes isn't that smart an says "I don't understand much either."

I can't stand watching this anymore an tell them I'm going to look for something to wrap his arm in I hear loud banging an Scott and Stiles yelling. I rush out of the bath room an see there gone so I run to the stairs where I see Scott an Stiles at the bottom of the stairs looking out the door. I go outside to see if Liam was anywhere near an I call his name. But there's no reply. I turn to look at Stiles an Scott an say I'm gone not even for a 2 minutes an you let this happen.

Another Love Story ||Liam Dunbar|| Book 1||Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon