Chapter III - Lapis Lazuli, a ring on my finger

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CHAPTER III - Lapis Lazuli, a ring on my finger


The tree's branches were bent over because of the strong wind. The sun was long gone, but fortunately Lapis Lazuli had managed to find some shelter inside a small cave. At the moment he just sat there, looking out into the twilight, thinking of the past days adventures.

He thought of the day he had met his sister for the first time since they had been captured. How he had argued with her. At the moment, he had been so upset that the thought of leaving her at the castle didn't seem too bad. After all, that was what she wanted to. But now that he had had a chance to calm himself down, and think things through, he realized that he should have just taken her with him against her will. That might seem harsh to her, but that was what he should have done. Now, a week later, he sat in the middle of a cave, with a homemade bow, some arrows, and a few pieces of meat from a rabbit, without his sister.

It had been hard to get out of the castle, but somehow he had managed to get out with only a twisted ankle, after he had jumped down some parts of the castle walls. They had searched for him for days, so he had to keep of the radar. As if he could walk into a village without anyone noticing his blue skin. If he had he would have been caught by the end of the next hour. So he kept to himself alone in the woods for now.

His eyelids grew heavy as the night continued to darken. At last he let go of the bow, and fell asleep.

Suddenly he woke up, with warm sweat dripping down on his chest from his chin. His shirt was soaked wet. He took it off and placed it on the ground, before he clothed himself in a jacket he had managed to steal during the past week. It had been cold at night for a few days now. The ground was all covered with frost, and there was a thin layer of ice on the small lakes and the still rivers, making it all look like everything was covered by crystals. But at dawn, the sun came out, melting it all away, and leaving the grass green like any other day. Lapis Lazuli loved this season. It seemed like mother earth was only preparing the plants, and trees for the long sleep that was ahead of them.

Maybe they had to sleep, to get the necessary energy to glow in the spring?

Lapis Lazuli dried away the sweat and started eating some of the remaining food. It must have been a bad dream. Yes. It must have been some sort of nightmare that had caused him to sweat in such a manner. But he had this feeling inside himself that wouldn't let go. He didn't know what to call it, but it made him very cautious about everything he did.


He had spent most of the day down by the lake, only relaxing, and enjoying the last bit of the sun, before it would disappear for six months. Lapis Lazuli though much of his sister too. How was she? Was she alive? She was probably living happily in the castle with no worries, but it still bothered him that he hadn't spoken to her for at least a week. He was responsible for protecting her. That had been their mothers last wish. "Protect her, please." She had told him while she died in his arms the day the village had been attacked.

His eyes welled up with tears, just by the memories of their mother. He should have been able to rescue their mother, but he failed her. Just as he now had failed both his sister, and his mother again.

He dried away the tears before he ran into the woods to distract himself from his own mind. His feet carried him away as fast as they could, until he had to stop and catch his breath. Lapis Lazuli took in the surroundings for a moment. The tree's leaves were yellow, and red, the grass was also yellow, but the thing that caught his sight, were the two men by horse. One gigantic black, and a white one, seeming more built for princes and lords, than knights on a mission. But it didn't matter what the horses looked like, because they would probably outrun him anyway. Lapis Lazulis only hope was that they hadn't seen him yet.

He lifted his bow, attached an arrow, and aimed at the knight on the white horse. The knight didn't even have an armor on, making him an easy target. When the knights finally spotted him, it was all to late. He had already unleashed the arrow, that was cutting through the air before it hit the knight with maximum power.

The knight fell to the ground, but the horse kept on running. Lapis Lazuli catched the reins of the horse, and with a swift move, he jumped into the saddle. He kicked his feet into the horse's sides, making it canter. Everything was going great. For the fourth time this week, he had managed to get away from the knights. The only thing that seemed odd, was the fact that nobody was following him. Why aren't they coming after me? He thought to himself. Lapis Lazuli looked back, eyeing the knights. The other knight had gotten off his horse, and was kneeling beside the dead knight.

It did not bother Lapis Lazuli that he had just killed a man. He was no more than eigthteen, but he had killed more men than most knights. After looking at the knights, he turned his eyes forward. The last thing he saw was the huge net falling over him, before a man hit him unconsious with the hilt of a sword.


He didn't remember much what happend next, it was only small pieces of thoughts that was shattered in his mind. The knights on the black horse, had tied his hands. They had dragged along the ground. A big castle. No, it was The Castle. A man. With a crown. He had smiled, but suddently he was furious. His face grew grim. Lapis Lazuli was dragged into a prison cell, and tied up. But then everything went black.


Lapis Lazuli woke up to a high-pitched sound. Over and over with a small brake between the noises. His eyelids open up slowly, only to be met by two furious eyes across the cell.

"Wel, well. Isn't our little prisoner awake?"

Lapis Lazuli didn't know what to say, so he kept quite.

"You have done so much damage Lapis Lazuli. Ruined parts of my castle. Slaugthered my loyal men. But worst of all, you murdered my son."

Lapis Lazuli was sure that it was the King. And when he heard that he had killed the heir to the throne, the Kings son, he knew that he had digged deeper than he wanted.

"Don't you have anything to say? I think this is the part where you kneel to me, and serve me your deepest apologies. Say that you owe me everything. Say that you are my loyal server from now, till your dying day!" The King yelled at him.

The knight on the white horse must have been the prince. Lapis Lazuli was about to say something before the King smacked him with all his power on his chin.

"Answer me!"

"I am deeply sorry, your majesty. But I will never be loyal to you." Lapis Lazuli spit in the King's face.

"Oh! You will. Just wait till I have put this on you!" The King held up a ring with the same color as Lapis Lazuli's skin. He forced it onto Lapis Lazuli's finger. He also unlocked his hands.

"How do you feel about it know?"

Lapis Lazuli stood up. He wanted so badly to hurt the King. He wanted to smash his head. Everything was his fault. He had planned the whole skin-plan. Lapis Lazuli tried to hit the King, but something was different. His body didn't respond. Yes, he could move, but his body refused to attack the King.

"You know you should be grateful? I should have slaugthered you infront of your sister, but instead I offer you this."

He said no more before he left.


So that was the third chapter ;) Comment & Vote!! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2012 ⏰

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