Chapter II - Tourmaline

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CHAPTER II - Tourmaline


"Why would you want to be normal? It's time to face it we couldnt be better than we were. Our skills in battle couldn't be better. This is our chance!" She told her twin brother, as she watch his face grew more stern with every word she said. "Have you gone mad? What did they tell you? You know what, just forget it!" He said to her, as he stormed out of the door.


She was mad? What had gotten into him? What had they told him? All of these thoughts ran through her mind as she searched for an explanation for his words and actions. Why wouldn't he realize the chance they were given? This was an opportunity they were given, and there was no way back now. So why not just accept the facts and make the best out of it? At least that was what she intended to do.

She took one glance at the door her brother had stormed out, before she walked over to the bed and lay down. Her eyes traced along her body for the tenth time since she woke up. Her body was green and pink in different shades, the color of the gemstone Tourmaline. At least that's what they told her this morning, or night? She wasn't sure what time of the day it was. Tourmaline. It was a soothing name for the color, she thought to herself as she fell asleep.


She woke up after hearing voices in the room. "Are the others ready?" A soft lady's voice spoke. "Everyone except Lapis Lazuli." This voice belonged to a man. "They haven't caught him yet? It's been a week since he escaped." The woman sighted. "But I guess we just have to start without him. I just spoke to Elizabeth, and she said that she was about to prepare Jade for the cermony, so I guess we have to wake Tourmaline now." She said before she crossed the room, walking towards the bed, only to find her wide awake. "Oh, Tourmaline, you are already awake". "Yes. Yes, I am. Why did you call me Tourmaline?" She looked up at the woman confused. "Well, your skin is made of Tourmaline, so that is your new name". This made sense to her, but it was still weird. "But my name is...." Before she could say her birthname, the lady cut her off, "From now on, your name is Tourmaline. You better get used to it" The lady said in a stricly manner. And she had a feeling that this was the sort of lady you don't argue with.


"Tourmaline, follow me". The lady walked out of the room. Tourmaline followed her, and felt so relieved to be on the outside of the room, after she had been held there for over two weeks. The lady walked fast, so she had to speed up, to keep up with her. After walking for a while, Tourmaline let out a sight. "How far can it be?" "We are there very soon." The lady didn't even look at her after she replied. "Are the others gonna be there?" Tourmaline asked to break the silence. "Everyone will be there... except one..." her voice faded out, and Tourmaline knew that the lady was about to tell her something she shouldn't have. "Who is not gonna be there? why?" The lady looked down and seemed very uncomfortable for the very first time this day. "I really shouldn't tell you more..." The lady answered. "But I think you deserve to know." Tourmaline was worried, and looked over to the lady, waiting for her to continue. "Your brother won't be there." She sighted. "After he visited you, he tried to escape. And he succeeded..." Her brother had escaped? He must have been so upset after their conversation. Now she felt bad. She should have tried to understand him better. "But we are still searching for him, so he will be back in no-time" She tried to sound comforting, but failed miserably. "Is his name Lapis Lazuli?" she asked curious. "Yes, it is." The lady stopped infront of a door. "But I have to go now. Just go through the door, and the others will be there waiting." She walked away before Tourmaline could say anything.

Well, she had only one choice, so she pushed the door open. The hall infront of her was huge. It was formed as a circle, and the walls were draped with beautiful flowers in the colors of the rainbow. But that wasn't the only colorful thing in the room. Scattered all around were people in different shades of green, blue, purple, and red. They all looked like something you could find in a pirate's tresure chest, or in the Queen's own personal stock of jewellery. There was only one person missing; her brother, Lapis Lazuli. She hadn't expected him to be there, but she was so worried for him. Eventhough she knew that he was more than capable to look after himself. As long as he managed to find a bow and arrows, he would be able to protect him for whatever threatened him. But she wanted so badly to have him by her side, right here, and right now. They had never been split for this long in their entire life.

She tried to push the negative thoughts away, and watched the others in the room instead. She assumed most of them were between 16 and 20 years old. None of them talked to one another, and some actually had some sort of security guards by their side. She assumed it was to prevent them from running away. She kept her mind busy thinking about small things like where were they from? And, what kind of gemstone is that? But the thought that disturbed her the most was; Why the hell are we here?

Before she could continue her thoughts, a huge door in the other end of the room was opened. In came a man in his late 30's, with hair to his shoulders, and a long gown draped along his back. He stared at them. As if he was pleased by the way they had turned out. He walked into the middle of the room, and all of the gemstones circled around him, as well as Tourmaline.

"Welcome, welcome! You are all welcome!" He smiled as he looked at them again. "How lovely you all look tonight! Wearing such wonderful colors. I must admit that they suit you all very well!" He started walking around the hall to admire the colors of their skin. Tourmaline just stood there as quite as she could, not making any sound at all. She followed him with her eyes, taking in every step he made. His moves were slow, making him look more graceful than anything she had ever laid eyes on in her life. "I am Eutanasi. King of Semperesse." His voice was so powerful that she felt small. "I guess you all wonder why you are here, and I must apologize for the way we brought you here, and for not even telling you why." She was angry with him because he had ruined her home just to get to her brother and herself, but his words were so smooth that it made her forgive him, and forget everything that belonged in the past.

"As King, I have many responsibilities. The most important among them is to keep my people and country safe from enemies and others that may threaten us. Therefore it is my job to have people in my army that I can trust. People who can do their duty. People with skills and talent." He smiled and looked at them. "People like you." We glanced over all of them. Tourmaline suddently realized what she was doing there, and after the Kings speach she felt honored. The King wanted her to be a part of his army. That was a big deal. Before she could let her thoughts carry her deep into her imagination, two eyes stared right into her eyes. "Tourmaline? Is it not?" The King asked her. She was stunned. He had actually talked to her. She nodded. "Yes. That is my name, Your Majesty." His green eyes continued staring at her. "I just wanted to let you know that your brother is safe and sound inside the castle again." He smiled at her as if to say I'm sorry for everything before he countinued talking to the rest of the gemstones again. "You all have talents that make you very valuable for this group of specialists. Your new skin was just to make you even better than you were. You will all be divided into three groups. The others in your group will be your training companions." He reached into one of his pockets, found a piece of paper and unfolded it.



So, that's the end of chapter 2 :) What do you think? Comment & Vote! :D


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